Search Result for “prayut”

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Thais have every right to expose state faults

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 08/10/2016

» 'Are you Thai?" is a catchphrase Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha loves asking people whom he thinks give our beloved country a bad name.



Regime must get its head out of the sand

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 30/09/2016

» Ostriches bury their heads in the sand when they're scared or threatened, the myth goes. But in reality, it's an optical illusion, according to National Geographic Kids.



Regime must prove its stance on graft

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 23/09/2016

» Being the younger brother of the junta leader and prime minister may not be the best thing in Thailand right now.



Duterte should learn from Thai drug policy

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 02/09/2016

» At the invitation of Japan's Dokkyo University, I was in Manila earlier this week to attend a media forum where I rubbed shoulders with journalists from Southeast Asia and Japan.



Can Prem-style govt achieve 'Thailand 4.0?'

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 25/08/2016

» Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha is due today to lead his cabinet ministers and chiefs of the armed forces and police to wish Privy Council president Prem Tinsulanonda a happy 96th birthday, which actually falls tomorrow.



Vote puts regime rivals in Catch-22

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 04/08/2016

» Opponents of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and his National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) are in a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" situation when they cast their vote in Sunday's referendum on the draft charter.


Can dictatorial means justify the ends?

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 28/07/2016

» On May 22, 2014 then army commander-in-chief Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha led a group of patriotic generals to oust the democratically-elected but allegedly-corrupt government of prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, tearing up the previous junta-commissioned 2007 constitution.



Regime's war on graft mustn't discriminate

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 14/07/2016

» A day after Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi visited Samut Sakhon to meet with thousands of her compatriots in the country's western fishery province amid a chaotic reception, National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) chief and Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha signed an order to transfer the provincial governor and three other senior provincial officials to inactive positions with immediate effect.



GT200 scam tests regime's mettle

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 23/06/2016

» The scandal of GT 200 has come back to haunt the Thai military again after a British court ordered a Briton serving a 10-year jail term for making bogus bomb detectors to forfeit cash and assets worth nearly £8 million, some of which should be paid in compensation to countries that bought the fake devices, including Bahrain, Lebanon, Niger and Georgia.



Don't run bike taxi rivals off the road

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 19/05/2016

» Like other unsolved problems this country has been facing for decades, the safety and reliability of motorcycle taxis are being addressed through authoritarian means, using nationalism and a perceived threat to national security as a pretext to ban services by foreign operators who have more innovative solutions than our inefficient and incompetent regulators.