Search Result for “prayut”

Showing 41 - 50 of 52



A political roast

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 14/10/2016

» The last few months left of the year usually welcome numerous dinner parties and gatherings with friends and colleagues. That is, if you're not stuck at the office finishing off all that work that's accumulated and sadly won't magically disappear. Head to another party and maybe it'll all blow over?



Burkini ban is ridiculous

News, Editorial, Published on 05/09/2016

» The French government's decision to create an uproar over women who cover up on the country's beaches was always going to be trouble. In a way, the ban on the so-called "burkini" bathing wear is reminiscent of the equally misguided attempt by our own government to ban Islamic head wear in schools. Such state interference is not just unnecessary but divisive. The Paris government would be wise to consider the lessons learned in Thailand, accept they were wrong and abandon this poorly conceived law.



Rules of the game

News, Postbag, Published on 10/08/2016

» If someone illegally takes control of a ship its called piracy and it's a very serious offence. When people interfere with the planned flight of an aircraft it's known as hijacking and carries a severe punishment. One would think an even greater offence would be the illegal ousting of an elected government by an armed group, commonly known as a coup d'etat which in some countries would carry the most extreme penalty.



Breaking into song on the big vote day

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 06/08/2016

» Tomorrow is the day. Are you ready? Really, are you ready?Keep calm, get dressed, put on your Sunday smile, and head out to … No, not the referendum booth, or maybe later. First you really must go to the Scala Theatre in Siam Square, where for the first time in Thailand in decades, The Sound of Music will play on the big cinema screen with its historic overflowing of saccharine -- and with one of the strangest anti-dictatorship sentiments ever shown on film.



Public divided on referendum vote

News, Aekarach Sattaburuth, Published on 01/08/2016

» Politics, health care and basic education and help for the poor will be the deciding factors for some wage-earning and self-employed voters.



The constituents and the constitution

Spectrum, Published on 31/07/2016

» With one week to go before the historic referendum decision, voters are expressing an uneasy acceptance of the controversial charter which opens the way for the ruling military government to remain in power for another five years.


International prodding for free debate 'unlikely to help'

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 15/07/2016

» International calls for an open dialogue on the referendum on the draft constitution will act as a catalyst spurring the regime to intensify its efforts to get the draft approved at the Aug 7 vote.



The real booze issue

News, Postbag, Published on 04/03/2016

» Re: "Activists demand big hike in booze taxes", (Online, March 2).



Poll 'charade', says Thaksin 

News, Post Reporters, Published on 22/02/2016

» Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has moved against the military regime by calling for talks and branding the regime's election roadmap a "charade".



Lifelong learner

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 11/01/2016

» Thailand may have lost a lot of stature and credibility on the world stage in recent years, but one of the world's most eminent economists believes it is still a country with some impressive social achievements that even developed economies could emulate.