Search Result for “post books”

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Black Panther is stylistic substance

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 19/02/2018

» Having been in a movie black hole of sorts for the past few months, I was completely oblivious to what the movie Black Panther is, when my best friend suggested we go see it. The only thing I knew was that it would be a Marvel movie featuring a cast made up of a majority of African-Americans and Africans. This, of course, is rarer than a blue moon, and was enough to pique my interest. Fine by me. In fact, I would be most intrigued to watch a superhero film where the black guy isn't the sidekick or someone likely to get shot within the first 12 seconds.


Losing (and rediscovering) my religion

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 04/04/2016

» In the recent wake of terrorist atrocities -- most infamously done in the name of religion -- I could not help but question my own line of faith that is Buddhism. Or perhaps "reconnect" would be a better way to put it, as a so-called modern day millennial who isn't a very avid temple-goer.



Filling in the pages of history

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 30/04/2015

» I roll my eyes so hard I can practically see the back of my brain. My 16-year-old tutee, Jag, hasn't the faintest idea of the difference between World War I and World War II. I don't think I'm going to let him off the hook — by this age he should at least have some rough idea about two of the most crucial turning points in modern history.


Robbing from the rich, but giving to whom?

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 26/09/2014

» Life has meaning again, now that Downton Abbey has returned to our TV screens, its fifth season beginning last Sunday. Its otherworldly visuals continue to draw me in, with the upstairs goings-on of the aristocrats and the downstairs drama among the servants still as captivating as ever. I actually have to remind myself every time I watch an episode that people from another continent in this world of ours actually lived like this less than 100 years ago: that cooks had to dine separately from the rest of the servants in a stately home; that members of the upper class changed clothes as often as five times a day; that it was inconceivable that a proper lady or gentleman would have to perform actual work to earn a living.


Remembering Mary Poppins

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 26/08/2014

» Fifty years ago today, the movie Mary Poppins was released in theatres and would be later heralded as Walt Disney's hallmark masterpiece.


Support the real cause

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 28/02/2014

» A protest of three months is nothing to throw confetti for, but what has festered around various spots in town is no doubt a curious wonder to witness — it will surely fuel stories of sorts that I will tell youngsters in the future.


Time to ditch those digital delusions

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/05/2013

» My relationship with books is what you might call unhealthily zealous. After all, the place in which I spend hours at the mall is the bookstore. My favourite designer (Olympia Le Tan) makes clutches that look like books. My childhood fixation revolved around strategically hiding books when I was over my library borrowing limit, alongside incessantly rearranging my bookshelf, and ultimately, I flatly refuse to date guys who don't read. Reading seems to cover most aspects of my life and has, by far, been a life-long love affair that has yet to wither.


The best lessons are in a class of their own

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 10/01/2013

» With the audacious daydream that I might be able to change the world through one kid at a time, I tutor during the weekends. I honestly really fear for the future of (Thai) mankind, so I drag myself out of bed every Sunday morning and try to give my students what their clearly lacking schools fail to.