Search Result for “police”

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All good things must come to an end

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 05/01/2011

» I got my first computer, an Apple II when I was around 5 years old. It was a simple machine, 48KB of RAM (or was it later upgraded to 48KB?), Integer basic (Applesoft Basic came later), cassette tape to store programs and used a TV as a monitor.


Future shock: We got it wrong

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 22/12/2010

» I must have spend much of my childhood wondering about the future. As a child of the '70s, I grew up seeing a bleak, post-apocalyptic vision. Whether it was in the aftermath of a war with the USSR or just a meteor shower leaving humanity blind and eaten by man-eating plants (as in Day of the Triffids) or brainwashed and put into bubble-skinned suits (The Prisoner), the future was scary, yet intriguing, and something to be held in awe.


When disaster strikes, why doesn't Thailand learn its lessons?

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 27/10/2010

» Disasters. With the Indian Ocean earthquake back in 2004 and the resulting tsunami, one would think Thailand would have learned a thing or two about handling disasters. Perhaps, but many of those lessons were not put to use when the floods hit the country last week.


Seeking unified global approach to cyber crime

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 20/10/2010

» With cyber terrorism on the increase, the world's law enforcement agencies need to come together to combat the problem.


Privacy a double-edged sword

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 13/10/2010

» Trust. It's one of those things that takes forever to build yet can be destroyed all too easily.


Laws hindering anti-virus firms

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 06/10/2010

» BERLIN : There is so much more that anti-virus companies could do to help protect the world if their hands weren't tied up in laws that stem from a physical world. Many epidemics could be averted or solved, but doing so would land the saviours in trouble as such acts would be illegal and considered attacks themselves under the status quo.



Kaspersky wants digital passports

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 29/09/2010

» In the '90s we had cyber hooligans and cyber vandals who wrote viruses just for the fun of it. In the first decade of the 21st century, cyber criminals aimed at enriching themselves. Today, with the discovery of the new Stuxnet worm, the world is facing the threat of cyber terrorism.



Huawei showcases latest 3G equipment

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 22/09/2010

» Huawei whetted the appetite of Thai consumers by showing, but not selling, a variety of 3G equipment at the 3.9G Human DNA event.


The Thai way of doing things

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 08/09/2010

» Whether away of managing certain industries through threats of exclusion from bidding instead of proper rules, and seeing friends have to struggle juggling work with visa runs that benefit no one, the Thai way of doing things has often got me in bit of a mental pickle.



Censorship versus security

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 18/08/2010

» Freedom of speech, abuse of power by the government, and the new norms of a democratic society empowered by the Internet were all topics discussed by a wide variety of speakers at a seminar on the third anniversary of the Computer Misuse Act, often known as the Cybercrime law, hosted by the Thai Netizen Network, Media 4 Democracy and the Southeast Asia Press Alliance.