Search Result for “police”

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Breaking news: Pattaya to be 'livable'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/06/2018

» Most encouraging news of the week came on Wednesday when authorities announced a crackdown on crime in Pattaya which will finally make the city "livable". The somewhat quaintly named "Operation rooting out crime for a livable city" is admittedly a bit of a mouthful and we can only wish the boys in brown the best of luck. I mean, where do they start?



Taking a strong stance on doughnuts

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/04/2018

» It was Oscar Wilde who famously observed "the only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it," which is my excuse for munching on a free doughnut proffered by staffers at a bakery in Bangkok last week. It was only a little one and wasn't that tasty -- too much sugar -- but I still scoffed it down, quietly cursing Mr Wilde's seductive bon mot.



And the award goes to … not these films

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/03/2018

» It's Oscar time again and as usual Hollywood is ignoring exciting Thai productions. Here are a few that caught the eye:


Nothing wrong in being distracted

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 21/01/2018

» Earlier this month in PostScript there was a reference to "distracted walkers", a term for those people who bump into you on the street or the BTS because they have their noses buried in their smartphones.



Possibly time to look on the bright side

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/01/2018

» Having just about scraped through the Year of the Chicken, here we are seven days into 2018 and wondering what's in store during the Year of the Dog. It probably won't be all that great, but we'll leave the gloom and doom to the experts. Let's just hope it's a least a bit more enjoyable than the past couple of years which have really been quite awful, and almost of an annus horribilis nature.



A look back at another 'amazing' year

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 31/12/2017

» It is customary at this time of the year to take a not too serious look back on the past 12 months, although there are some events you may well prefer to forget. If nothing else it will serve as a reminder that Thailand will always be Truly Amazing.



Life's a beach with no cigarette butts

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/10/2017

» The announcement that smoking is to be banned on many of Thailand's beaches is most welcome. One of the pleasures of sitting on a beach is to is enjoy fresh sea breezes, not to suffer cigarette smoke wafting up your nostrils.



Checkpoint Charlie won't just fade away

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 08/10/2017

» Seeing the headline "End of Bangkok Traffic Checkpoints Promised", I did a double-take. The Big Mango just wouldn't be the same without irritating checkpoints and those happy conversations with Sgt Nop, often concluding with generous donations to the Widows and Orphans Fund. And the checkpoints have an annoying habit of suddenly appearing when your bladder is bursting and you are desperate to get home.


Great escapes … and some not so great

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/09/2017

» Recent events have got me thinking about some of the great escapes that have occurred in Thailand over the years, although I think the latest episode is the first time someone like political philosopher Montesquieu has found himself in the thick of things.



Getting hung up over telephone boxes

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/08/2017

» While walking along Silom Road the other day, I spotted a young lady making a call from a phone box. Now you don't see that very often these days -- a Thai woman without a smartphone. She must have been in a state of distress. Perhaps she was calling the police station to inform them her smartphone had been stolen.