Search Result for “people live”

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Express ticket to good health

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 30/09/2014

» We live in a world with instant everything: instant photo sharing, instant messaging and instant food being just a few examples. As we grow less and less tolerant of waiting, new products and methods emerge to lure money out of our pockets; all promising instant results. Gone are the days when people believe in working hard to attain their goal. They want immediate results with minimal effort.



Busting online health hoaxes

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 08/07/2014

» We live in the age where sharing is not caring. We see something we like on Facebook and we share it without really trying to verify the facts.



Loosen up

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 13/05/2014

» We live in a city where massage shops are more commonly found than hair salons or som tum carts. That goes to show how widespread muscle tension has become over the past decade, thanks in part to the growing reliance on smartphones and computers. We’ve conveniently named the soreness “office syndrome” because it seems to happen to office people more than other groups. But is it really fair to blame office work for the pain?



More is not always Merrier

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 24/04/2012

» We live in a world where there are health supplements for everyone. Walk into any supermarket or nutrition store and you will be dazzled by shelves of vitamins that promise to keep your health perfect. Advertisements lead us to believe we need to add certain vitamins or minerals for optimal health. Most people are taking one of these, just to be on the safe side.


Keeping a less watchful eye

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 17/04/2012

» My son will soon bid farewell to the safe abode of home (for half a day) and don the kindergarten student uniform, entering an unfamiliar territory. Choosing the right school for my son was a complicated experience and gave me more headache than I could possibly imagine.


Outsmarting the 'smart' label

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 21/02/2012

» I had a chance to attend a seminar organised by Abbott Thailand recently under the topic "Nutrition for your children's sustainable brain development". The most interesting thing I got from it was not the useful information on nutrition, but a very interesting sentence delivered by one of the speakers, Dr Nalinee Cherwanidchakorn, a developmental and behavioural paediatrician. It was a question I wish someone had bothered to ask me when I was little.