Search Result for “people's power”

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You can forget HAL 9000

Life, James Hein, Published on 05/12/2018

» It has been over five years and it was time for a new PC. It took a while to pull together, required an eclectic set of carefully chosen components, and I paid someone to put it together for me, having done that myself too many times in the past.


Huawei still some way behind rivals

Life, James Hein, Published on 21/11/2018

» I've had some feedback expressing surprise that I invested in a smartwatch. Yes, I didn't think I'd see the day either, but it does function very well as a watch with changeable faces and at a price point that's far below some of the faces it can duplicate. The always-on test was a success in that I only turned the watch off when I wasn't using it on some evenings. It also does sleep tracking, which perhaps provides a sterner test, but it still provided a week's worth of use making it usable for many. On a longer trip you would need to take the charger along. Note that for both tests, I kept Bluetooth on the whole time.


Looking into IT's crystal ball

Life, James Hein, Published on 03/01/2018

» So it is that time again when I try and gaze into the crystal ball and guess what 2018 will bring the IT world.


Google Android refreshes itself

Life, James Hein, Published on 07/06/2017

» Android 8 -- or O -- will be coming out soon, with the beta already available for lucky Nexus and Pixel users. Google is introducing "Fluid Experiences" that include picture in picture, Notification Dots, autofill and smart-text selection. The first will allow you to have an app open but with also, say, a small window running a YouTube video, just like TVs can do. Notification dots show that you have an app notification. A long press will bring up the item, which is useful. You have all seen autofill on forms and for passwords; this is finally appearing in Android. As has been the case for the last few versions, Google is also focusing on maximising security, optimising boot times and app performance, and intelligently limiting background activity for apps to save battery life. These are all welcome enhancements.


Thank the NSA for latest global ransomware

Life, James Hein, Published on 24/05/2017

» Everyone is talking about WannaCry(pt), the latest ransomware worm that attacked over 150 countries across the globe. It hit hospitals, universities, businesses, a telco, train stations and more. Microsoft responded by releasing emergency security patches for Windows versions as far back as XP. To Microsoft's credit they had released a patch for the issue in February, well before this exploit hit, so those that did not update were the ones hit. The lesson here is to install your security patches when they are available.


SSD can be a fragging pain also

Life, James Hein, Published on 25/03/2015

» A solid state drive (SSD) has no moving parts and for the most part is — or at least should be — faster than a regular platter based hard drive. Over the years I have had a 128, 240 and more recently a 512GB SSD that I use as my system drive. After the installation of the last one, things started to slow down until it took less time to copy to a regular hard drive than to my new SSD. As you should when you want to check on something, I Googled (any other search engine will also work) for anything to do with my SSD model having problems. Unfortunately, while it is a Samsung 840 series, it is not the one that has had all the problems, so no useful suggestions. Finally, I decided to see if it was slow because it was fragmented.


Browser bother

Life, James Hein, Published on 18/03/2015

» How many browsers should you have installed? Let's face it, everyone has their favourite. Sometimes this is the one that comes with the machine, typically Internet Explorer. Some governments and institutions like banks also favour a particular browser making it difficult for those with others to get connected and access services.


There's no such thing as free tech

Life, James Hein, Published on 21/01/2015

» Can hackers really ruin your day? Consider the story a friend of mine recently told me. He has been playing the game Stronghold Kingdoms for a couple of years now. Apparently, as a result of hacking, some players gained points and certain advantages and had their accounts spoofed. 


Downfall of Chromebook dynasty?

Life, James Hein, Published on 20/08/2014

» First there was the netbook, then the Ultrabook. Now we have the Chromebook, of which the Gartner Group predicts sales will top 5 million units this year. If it is anything like the netbook, by 2017 people will be asking: "Chromebook? What is that?" Gartner missed predicting that the netbook bubble would burst, and I think they have made the same mistake here.


The power of power

Life, James Hein, Published on 13/08/2014

» During a recent power failure I contemplated how reliant we are on technology. I suspect the quickest way to hear people scream these days is for any nearby telecom tower go offline. This would affect phones, tablets, notebooks and anything else that requires a data or wireless connection for internet access.