Search Result for “paper”

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A Thai outlet in Marijuanaville?

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 27/05/2013

» The following advertisement, paraphrased for brevity, is currently running in the US state of Colorado, and in slightly edited form across the entire United States: "Needed urgently, 64 tonnes of marijuana, FOB payment $84.48 million, completely legal, opportunity to build business 50-fold."


Obama gets tough on foreign policy

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 09/09/2012

» The US presidential election campaign finally began yesterday, and it promises to be an eventful 58 days of tough electioneering before Americans decide on Nov 6 who will serve.


What a Romney presidency would mean in Asia

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 02/09/2012

» If Mitt Romney becomes the next president in January, the United States is likely to move off its officially neutral stance over territorial disputes in the South China Sea and back regional countries against Beijing. The official position paper of the Republican Party, adopted on Wednesday at the party's nominating convention, criticised China for its ``destabilising claims'' in the region.