Search Result for “paper”

Showing 71 - 79 of 79



No avoiding taking tax cheats to task

News, Editorial, Published on 10/04/2016

» In response to the massive Panama Papers leak, which has revealed the names of individuals linked to 214,000 companies which park their money overseas, Thailand's Anti-Money Laundering Office announced on Friday that it would investigate those whose names appear.



Crackdown has its limits

News, Editorial, Published on 10/03/2016

» The government's planned crackdown on some 6,000 "influential criminal figures" nationwide has inevitably revived the tragic memory of the notorious "war on drugs" launched in February 2003 by then prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.



Power crash a major flaw

News, Editorial, Published on 13/02/2016

» The power outage at Krabi International Airport early this week which forced immigration authorities to let in about 2,000 travellers without properly vetting their personal data reveals an appalling lack of standards in operating an airport.



No time for intimidation

News, Editorial, Published on 16/01/2016

» An attempt by the national police chief to determine if legal action can be taken against the sister of Koh Tao rape and murder victim Hannah Witheridge for her Facebook posting is counterproductive.



Vote talliers need scrutiny

News, Editorial, Published on 29/12/2015

» For a group that currently does not even have an official mission, the Election Commission (EC) has walked into field of land mines. The root of it appears to be a festering dispute between the commission's secretary-general and most or all of its members.


Agribusiness behind haze

News, Editorial, Published on 30/09/2015

» Indonesia's infamous haze has caused so much trouble in our region that Singapore is mulling legal action. Long proud of its own record of cleanliness, the city-state is often viewed through a blanket of unhealthy smog it has no direct control over. Singaporean authorities have served legal notices to five large Indonesian companies. At least one of them -- Asia Pulp and Paper -- is a multinational and would be affected by even a local Singapore court decision.


Media not to blame for police failings

News, Editorial, Published on 20/09/2015

» If violence is the last refuge of the incompetent, blaming the media for your failings is the next most desperate place to take shelter. It is a stance that is rarely defensible; those waging a war of words with the messenger look as though they are petty, deflecting uncomfortable truths or unwilling to take responsibility for their actions. Lately, it has become a common refrain for authorities, from junta leader Prayut Chan-o-cha down, to lash out at reporters whenever difficult questions are asked or anything remotely controversial is up for discussion.



Alien language hides deeper issues

News, Editorial, Published on 16/08/2015

» Aliens of Thailand unite, you have nothing to lose but your gold and silver otters. So put down your paper hand jobs and, whatever else you do, do not gas party animals or berth blanket mitt work.


Government targets water waste

News, Editorial, Published on 30/07/2015

» The cabinet on Tuesday approved a set of short-term water conservation measures to be applicable at all governmental units and state enterprises effective from Oct 1 which marks the beginning of the 2016 fiscal year. These measures are long overdue.