Search Result for “nuclear deal”

Showing 31 - 40 of 44



What King Kim III craves above all else

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 25/04/2018

» What does Kim Jong-un want? One thing: security.



Iran protests not the same as those before

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 03/01/2018

» 'The people behind what is taking place think they will be able to harm the government," said Iran's First Vice-President, Eshaq Jahangiri. "But when social movements and protests start in the street, those who have ignited them are not always able to control them." And the question is: which people did Mr Jahangiri actually mean, and which government?



Trump won't be able to stop Iran nukes if treaty axed

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 18/10/2017

» 'One orb to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them."


Dial back on the rhetoric to deal with N Korea's nukes

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 06/09/2017

» The last time when North Korean nuclear weapons might have been headed off by diplomacy was 15-20 years ago, when there was a deal freezing North Korean work on nuclear weapons, and then one stopping the country's work on long-range ballistic missiles.


'Principled Realism' without principles or realism

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 24/05/2017

» The media mostly missed it (or chose to ignore it as a piece of meaningless rhetoric), but Donald Trump proclaimed a new doctrine in his speech to the assembled leaders of the Muslim world in Saudi Arabia on Sunday. It goes by the name of "Principled Realism", though it didn't offer much by way of either principles or realism. In practice, it mostly boiled down to a declaration of (proxy) war against Iran.



Preposterous times for four long years

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 17/05/2017

» All the talk of special prosecutors and the like will not bring the man to book. The soap opera will continue and no amount of dysfunction in the White House will make it stop until early 2019 at best. Even though a great deal of damage will have been done by then.



Trump and the maniac in Pyongyang

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 15/02/2017

» 'This guy, he's like a maniac, OK? He wiped out the uncle. He wiped out this one, that one. I mean, this guy doesn't play games. And we can't play games with him. Because he really does have missiles. And he really does have nukes."


Doomsday Clock gets the time all wrong

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 03/02/2017

» 'Without a proper sense of urgency, we will be eventually defeated, dominated and very likely destroyed," wrote former general Michael Flynn, President Trump's National Security Adviser, last year. "They are dead set on taking us over and drinking our blood."



Donald Trump and China: The 'madman' strategy

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 16/12/2016

» 'When two elephants fight against each other, the grass always suffers," said Yu-Fang Lin of the National Policy Foundation, a Taiwan-based think tank, in an interview with the Washington Times. He was talking about the famous phone call between Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen and Donald Trump on 2 Dec. If the US and China get into a military confrontation, Mr Lin suggested, it is Taiwan that will be crushed.



After the fall of Aleppo, a kind of peace?

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 30/11/2016

» Eastern Aleppo, the rebel-held half of what was once Syria's biggest city, is falling. Once the resistance there collapses, things may move very fast in Syria, and the biggest question will be: do the outside powers that have intervened in the war accept Bashar al-Assad's victory, or do they keep the war going?