Search Result for “no warning”

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You can't use the net without DNS

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 15/05/2013

» We like to avert our eyes from the fragility of this internet wonder, but sometimes it simply bites too hard to ignore.


Put a little light on the subject

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 14/02/2012

» There's a US keyboard being pitched mostly in TV adverts of a large-character device that glows in the dark, so when the sun goes down you can continue working and still see your keyboard.


Deleting for good

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 13/12/2011

» Pretty well everyone knows by now that deleting a file on a PC is a misnomer, and the file stays right where it is. The operating system just makes the space available to put another file on top of it.


How to hide yourself online and keep your surfing secure

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 13/09/2011

» I can't think why, but I get emails all the time wondering about the ways, if any, to get around the extremely necessary, very understandable hand of beneficent government which guides us only to the very best, most wholesome sites on the internet.



Don't post it, and they won't find it

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 19/07/2011

» There are going to be a lot of people in just a few years from now who will look back on their social-media fun and go, "OMG, what was I thinking?" Or, to be more exact, "Why wasn't I thinking?"



A lot of mail. No, really, a lot

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 12/07/2011

» A regular Bangkok Post reader, Patrick, has an email problem. Well don't we all, eh? But Patrick's is one I haven't heard for a while. He writes:



Seeing the smaller picture

Mylife, Wanda Sloan, Published on 11/01/2011

» So this is what life is like. I mean LIFE. Strange. I could have sworn that it was all about disco. And, of course, khao thom. Now that I've been thrown directly into LIFE, it seems so ... newspaperish.


The daily shutdown

Database, Wanda Sloan, Published on 04/08/2010

» There comes a time in the day of an average computer operator when she simply has to stop. Stop the work, stop the games, stop the surfing, all of it, and simply shut down. The computer, that is, not her life.


Software for hardware

Database, Wanda Sloan, Published on 14/07/2010

» I have upgraded one old favourite and added a second program to my very small software folder of hardware checkers.



Synchronise your data

Database, Wanda Sloan, Published on 03/02/2010

» My hard disk crash chronicled here last week made me miss a Database deadline, but these blasted machines are capable of making your life much more difficult than that.