Search Result for “news centre”

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Justice must come for all victims of political violence

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/10/2016

» All victims of political violence, including marginalised members of society, killed in times of turmoil deserve as much recognition as the intellectuals slaughtered in the brutal bloodshed of Oct 6, 1976, say media and political activists.



Political fights, human rights

Life, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 26/09/2016

» It's not the cruellest scene from Oct 6, 1976, but cruelty was never in short supply that morning. What Somchai Homla-or experienced is just one of many unfortunate examples that remind descendants and survivors of how ugly mobilised nationalist mobs can turn modern Thai history into a bloodbath.



Reality in South fails to match government spin

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 13/09/2016

» The appointment of the army chief's younger brother, Lt Gen Piyawat Nakwanich, as the 4th Army Region commander, does not bring a new sense of hope for peace in the restive deep South.



Duterte aside, all's quiet in Asean

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 12/09/2016

» Barack Obama, the first US president to visit Laos, concluded his final official trip to Asia by calling it "a memorable and, at times, a very moving visit".


South locals place faith in 'triangle' plan

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 09/09/2016

» Residents in the deep South are confident the "triangle" economic model with an emphasis on oil palm-related industry and infrastructure will help resolve the insurgency and revitalise the region, a panel was told yesterday.



Draft 'no answer to conflict'

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/08/2016

» The constitution alone cannot heal political divisions, according to constitutional experts.



A rocky road to the draft constitution vote

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 12/07/2016

» A glance at the motto on the website of the Office of the Election Commission (EC) regarding the forthcoming charter referendum, which will take place in about three weeks' time, and many may gain the impression the process is going smoothly, without problems.



Death penalty opponents urged to go public

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 27/06/2016

» Despite relentless calls by local and international human rights advocacy groups that Thailand scrap capital punishment, there is a long way to go for the Thai state to give a positive response like others in the international community.



Despite gains, China still second fiddle to West, analysts say

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 30/05/2016

» Thai military rule may complicate and weaken Asean's position in the international security setting, but the gestures made to date by the junta should not be seen as a shift from the western-allied camp to China, analysts caution.



People's movements tread troubled paths

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 24/05/2016

» The month of May is the time when Thailand marks two political upheavals. One is the Black May uprising of 1992 when the pro-democracy movement was at a peak.