Search Result for “news app”

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No, really, Big Brother is watching

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 25/06/2017

» The Big Three of International Computing have convinced tens of millions of customers to spy on themselves. Considering this, what's the big deal when the government listens in too -- well, apart from the going-to-jail part -- at least?



First they came for the net idols

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 11/06/2017

» The always interesting National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) made a new power play last week. It will go a long way to negate the constitution's already somewhat nominal "liberty to express opinion ... by any means".



Facebook murders

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 30/04/2017

» So now the sun never sets on countries where people have murdered in order to boost their Facebook followers.



You've been gouged

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 05/02/2017

» How can we fleece you? Let me count the ways. That probably wasn't an unusual week, just a more transparent one.



The big issue: Holey security in action

Alan Dawson, Published on 28/08/2016

» Cyber-thieves joined the tourist crowds to Thailand early this month and quickly jackpotted 12 million baht from 21 of the distinctive red Government Savings Bank ATMs in Bangkok and five provinces. And walked away with the money.



The big issue: Enter China with a big stick

Alan Dawson, Published on 29/05/2016

» First, a brief summary before last week. The official slogan of the military regime is Thailand 4.0, which no one can explain but looks better than Digital Thailand. The unofficial slogan is Control the Internet. The official policy is Arrest Internet Troublemakers. The internet police roundel now sports the motto, We Know What You Did Last Night on Facebook. The regime Plan That Must Never Be Named is "One Gateway to Rule Them All". Finally, there is no change to the military order of the day which is — No Change.



The big issue: Stop reading my texts

Alan Dawson, Published on 08/05/2016

» In the 1990s (young people’s guide — way back in the last century) old fuddy-duddies who knew jack about digital data and those consarned new computers and email stuff got caught because they didn’t realise computer systems remember stuff. Even when it's deleted, data hangs around on a computer disk.



The big issue: The secret plan

Alan Dawson, Published on 17/04/2016

» It could be the least-welcome support ever for the general prime minister and the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).



The big issue: The week in terrorism

Alan Dawson, Published on 29/11/2015

» Around the world and around the country, we were all Belgians. Brussels lowered the national terror alert on Friday from “imminent” to “serious and credible”. (Fact check: True. Reality check: Who could make it up?) One day it was “be very afraid” and a mere day later it had dropped to “be afraid”.