Search Result for “new year”

Showing 61 - 70 of 161



Innovation no fix for urban transport ills

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 03/07/2018

» Urban transportation is undergoing a revolution. Offerings such as Uber and Lyft, as well as car- and bike-sharing services are widely believed to reduce congestion and generally make urban dwellers more mobile; driverless cars are expected to provide further benefits. Yet the notion that these innovations always make things better is far from a given: The new services are a net good only if they complement traditional public transportation systems rather than compete with them.



Bitter sweet

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 30/04/2018

» Chaudhary Rakesh Tikait casts his memory back to 1967 as he reflects on the plight of farmers in India.


Beijing auto show opens in world's largest market

AFP, Published on 25/04/2018

» BEIJING: Global carmakers will take the stage in Beijing on Wednesday with new car models to woo the world's largest auto market as China promises to liberalise the industry.


China's 'Hawaii' to allow horse racing, sports lotteries

AFP, Published on 16/04/2018

» BEIJING: China is encouraging its southern island of Hainan to develop horse racing and introduce a raft of reforms as Beijing pushes the tropical tourism destination as a beacon of openness.


China slaps retaliatory tariffs on 128 US imports (video)

AFP, Published on 02/04/2018

» BEIJING - China on Monday imposed new tariffs on 128 US imports worth $3 billion, including fruits and pork, in retaliation to US duties on steel and aluminium, fuelling fears of a trade war.



Secretive Russian billionaire vents to US conservatives

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 13/03/2018

» It's not every day that a Russian billionaire submits a op-ed piece to the Daily Caller, the conservative US website. When the billionaire in question is as media-shy as Oleg Deripaska, something extraordinary is going on. As the unfortunate recipient of an oversized role in the "Trump-Russia" scandal, he has had enough and is not quite sure how to defend himself.



'Happy' uni students still need to lift grades

News, Soonruth Bunyamanee, Published on 21/02/2018

» The recent international rankings that show almost all leading Thai universities plunged in scores and ratings must serve as a wake-up call to the government and policymakers -- Thailand's higher education system needs improvement.


Cape Town may soon run out of water

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 25/01/2018

» April 22, Earth Day, might have a bit of extra significance this year. It might be the day that, for the first time, a great world city runs out of water.



Impeachment worth the wait in unruly Zimbabwe

News, Noah Feldman, Published on 22/11/2017

» When you get rid of your dictator, is it important to follow the rules? That delicate question is dominating the transition-in-progress in Zimbabwe, where long-time President Robert Mugabe has refused to step down despite the demands of the public, the army and his own political party.



Coup against Mugabe is really nothing to celebrate

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 17/11/2017

» As leader of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe has survived longer than Stalin in the Soviet Union and Mao in China. If it's coming to an end -- which seems likely given his apparent inability to emerge from house arrest after the military took charge -- it's worth reflecting on the mistakes he made to end such a remarkable run.