Search Result for “national league for democracy”

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There's a reason why populists tend to lose elections

News, Pankaj Mishra, Published on 20/10/2016

» In a democracy, the "people" are the supreme arbiters, and their wisdom speaks through the electoral process. Such is the assumption on which the modern world has been built since God and monarchs began to fade from the scene. Lately, however, the wisdom of the people has felt a bit off-key. In one country after another, from the Philippines to the US, Hungary to India, the people have chosen to boost demagogues, not to mention serial gropers.


Suu Kyi's challenge

News, Pankaj Mishra, Published on 24/08/2016

» Yangon is suddenly a city of "phablets". Nowhere in Asia, let alone Europe, have I seen so many supersized smartphones in public spaces, and with such egalitarian appeal: Pavement vendors selling early 20th century British guides to English grammar seem as transfixed by them as Yangon's smart set playing Pokemon Go.