Search Result for “national”

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Clean, lean and everything in between 

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 09/10/2015

» As a person who follows the self-sprinkled mantra of I-will-eat-whatever-the-hell-I-want, I have never been one to obsess over what I put into my mouth. If I want a cookie at midnight, with a side of chips, I am going to go stuff my face -- sans any guilt or calorie-counting. My heaven-sent gift of rapid-fire digestion is a side effect of being diagnosed with hyperthyroidism -- something that has unfortunately been slowing down since I have plummeted deeper into adulthood. 


A culture of mindless excessiveness

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 06/08/2015

» Just a few weeks ago, I discovered Ik Junoon (Paint It Red), an infectiously catchy song that played in the 2011 Bollywood flick Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara. I've obviously been in a black hole of sorts to miss this instantly popular song and hit road trip movie, but it still wasn't the song that left the most lasting impression. Only when I actually looked at the YouTube screen as I was listening to the music was I blown away by the visuals that accompanied the ambient house music. 


To selfie or not to selfie?

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/07/2015

» The photograph was fuzzy, but ironically, I clearly remember the moment of coming across it, and what was on it, as if it were just yesterday. It was a picture of a pale, blurry blob of a face, framed by jet-black hair tied in a low ponytail. On that face, lay an eager smile and two unfocused specks of flash in what appeared to be beady and squinty eyes. Two pale arms on the sides implied that the camera was already as stretched out as far as it could be. But all this happened a terribly long time ago, circa 1994, way before the ghastly concept of the selfie was born. 


The most tempting taro of all

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 30/10/2014

» It's official: being nosy is now an attribute Thai people have willingly added to their biodata. We even have a particular word to soften it. The crude Thai slang suak, meaning irritably meddling and snooping in the most repugnant manner, has been given a curse-free incarnation, so people can use the word more openly and flagrantly. To avoid sounding boorish, people now say puak, which still sounds like the original slang word, but actually means "taro".   


Remembering Mary Poppins

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 26/08/2014

» Fifty years ago today, the movie Mary Poppins was released in theatres and would be later heralded as Walt Disney's hallmark masterpiece.


Open Sesame Street: why public TV matters

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 17/10/2012

» As I was listening to the presidential debate back on Oct3, I knew Mitt Romney was going to have it bad when he pledged to cut federal funding for public broadcasting. Oh yes, fans of the cuddly creatures from Sesame Street and other shows on PBS, such as documentaries, are sure to start their hate parade. In fact, there is actually going to be one on Nov 3, called the Million Muppet March, when protesters will gather at the National Mall in Washington, DC, to defend PBS and Sesame Street.