Search Result for “name”

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Girls just wanna make movies

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 08/03/2019

» The movie industry has always been a men's club. Take a look at Hollywood. Last year, only 8% of the top 250 grossing films in the US domestic box office were directed by women. And though no official statistics are available, the Thai movie scene has also long been a male-dominated campsite.



Beat the abusers

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 27/02/2019

» According to the World Health Organization, one out of three women experiences physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner at some point in her life. It's a widespread and silent epidemic -- especially in Thailand, where domestic violence is viewed as a normal part of society and culture.



The hovering eye

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 23/01/2019

» 'I shoot a lot of crap every day," said Thomas Hoepker after being asked what it feels like to be lauded as a master photographer. "You see something and a car comes, or the person I wanted to photograph turns around. I would say, if I walk on the street in the evening, I see 10 pictures, maybe one I keep from that scene."



A return to form

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 20/12/2018

» The word "minimalism" nowadays is rarely associated with the groundbreaking art movement of the early 1960s, which eventually reshaped the art world, pop-culture and people's way of living. Today, it's mostly associated with architecture, interior design and the fast-growing movement of living a decluttered, material-free life.



Bridging the gap

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 24/10/2018

» Ancient temples and modern art. They seem like two ends of a cultural spectrum that wouldn't seem to bridge well with one another.


The new face of art in Thailand

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 22/10/2018

» Friday marked the official launch of Thailand's premiere Bangkok Art Biennale (BAB). It's been a long time coming, but for those in the dark, a biennale, in the art world, is a large-scale international contemporary art exhibition that takes place every two years in major art hubs around the world. Artworks by both renowned artists and rising stars are scattered throughout the city, adding vibrancy and sparking profound discussions about art and culture for a period of a few months.



Street art revitalises Old Town

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 12/10/2018

» The streets of Bangkok's Old Town just got a lot more colourful as the Pipit Bang Lamphu Street Art event launches on Friday, lasting until the very end of this year.



Branded art

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 26/09/2018

» For their final international art showcase of the year, Sofitel SO will be hosting "Beyond Bangkok" -- a solo exhibition by French London-based contemporary artist Louise-Nicolas Darbon from tonight until Nov 10, 2018.



Picnic at Soi Sam

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 14/09/2018

» If anyone had a name perfectly suited for an eponymous fashion label, it would be Shone Puipia. Short, catchy and intriguing, the 25-year-old's brand has been rising quickly through the Thai fashion world within the past two years.



Nothing Leica hot coffee

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 05/09/2018

» Leica. It's the pinnacle of all camera brands -- owned and used by some of the most legendary photographers of the world. From pioneer street photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson and social documentary photographer Sebastiao Salgado to Vietnamese war photographer Nick Ut, all the giants swear by the German brand's lenses and compact, simple design.