Search Result for “mobile phone”

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Azenqos bridges digital divide

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 05/01/2011

» A Thai telecommunications start-up has taken off-the-shelf smart phones and turned them into powerful network monitoring tools thanks to a lot of hard work and a grant from the NBTC. The drive test tool costs a small fraction of the cost of similar units from the big name telecommunication equipment makers.



MS re-claims lead with HD7 phone

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 22/12/2010

» Microsoft is back to re-claim its throne at the top of the smart phone pecking order with the launch of the Windows Phone 7 HD7 phone that was launched, and immediately sold out, in conjunction with HTC and Dtac.


Future shock: We got it wrong

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 22/12/2010

» I must have spend much of my childhood wondering about the future. As a child of the '70s, I grew up seeing a bleak, post-apocalyptic vision. Whether it was in the aftermath of a war with the USSR or just a meteor shower leaving humanity blind and eaten by man-eating plants (as in Day of the Triffids) or brainwashed and put into bubble-skinned suits (The Prisoner), the future was scary, yet intriguing, and something to be held in awe.


Qualcomm promises a revolution

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 15/12/2010

» HONG KONG: Dual core snapdragons, e-readers based on the design of a butterfly's wings and body area networks that will revolutionise e-Health are just some of the things that telecommunications giant Qualcomm says we can expect to see and buy in 2011.


Why kickbacks are holding us all back

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 08/12/2010

» Think of Thailand and while beaches and massages might come to mind, what of IT? It is a niche, yet there is so much going on under the radar in this country.


Jabra expands in wireless market

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 01/12/2010

» Jabra might be known for its stylish consumer Bluetooth headsets but in fact 75 percent of its revenue comes from its enterprise solutions. Pick up the phone to a call centre, and chances are the operator is using a Jabra headset. Go into a modern open-plan office, and chances are the executives walking around are also using long-range Jabra wireless headsets to keep in touch. Ralph Ede, Managing Director for Jabra in South Asia, explained the other three quarters of his business.


Symantec boosts authentication

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 17/11/2010

» After 27 years of providing security for end points, Symantec has launched a new logo and acquired a number of companies that together will provide the trust, strong identity and encryption it needs to protect a world where servers are virtualised and are somewhere in the cloud outside of the company's data centre and where CIOs need to be responsible for data that flows readily to their employee's personal smart phones.


Brocade mulling move into IP networking space

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 17/11/2010

» BALI, INDONESIA : Brocade, ruler of the SAN (storage area network) in the data centre is looking to move into the IP networking space to bring data-centre class resiliency, security and performance to the greater Internet as the explosion of connectivity continues.



The converging conference

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 27/10/2010

» Avaya has taken the consumer web and launched a portfolio of business-centric services which will soon give corporations a level of versatility and ease of use that have long evaded corporate users - until now.


When disaster strikes, why doesn't Thailand learn its lessons?

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 27/10/2010

» Disasters. With the Indian Ocean earthquake back in 2004 and the resulting tsunami, one would think Thailand would have learned a thing or two about handling disasters. Perhaps, but many of those lessons were not put to use when the floods hit the country last week.