Search Result for “master plan”

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Weaving wonders

Life, Published on 01/04/2024

» While wandering Bangkok's pavements, Rattachat Phonsaen, founder of design company Pitak Style, often came across discarded items like chairs, tables and vendor carts. Inspired by his passion for handicraft items, Rattachat conceived the idea of repairing these broken objects using traditional basketry methods.



Finding beauty in the everyday

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 04/07/2023

» The 12th White Elephant Art Award focuses on realistic and figurative art which refers to art that depicts everyday objects, figures or subjects in a realistic or true-to-life way. After The White Elephant Art Award announced a theme of "Cherish The World", two artists -- Jarun Pan-onta and Surapun Kwansaensuk -- drew inspiration from nature to create paintings. As a result, Jarun won the White Elephant Prize while Surapun won a special prize called the Khunying Wanna Sirivadhanabhakdi Award, created for the first time.



Double trouble

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 29/10/2020

» A variety of random characters and items -- Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro González, Japanese comic character Perman, Snow White, popular Glico Japanese snack Pocky and an ATM -- appear in the painting Justice Pillar from the collection "Doppelgänger" created by Verapong Sritrakoolkitjakarn, better known as Verapong VS Ayino. On view until Sunday at Kawit Studio & Gallery, "Doppelgänger" displays six oil-on-linen paintings and six woodcut artworks. Each artwork depicts subjects related to Verapong's interests including historical figures, Japanese and Walt Disney cartoon characters and things around us. Meaning a biologically unrelated lookalike or a double, the word doppelgänger is German, but Verapong sees it often when he reads Japanese comic books.



The fine art of persistence

B Magazine, Jeerawat Na Thalang, Published on 19/06/2016

» The latest artwork of Chakrabhand Posayakrit, Thailand's best-known painter, is the most surprising of the master's prolific oeuvre.



Angels of trash

Life, Kaona Pongpipat, Published on 07/01/2015

» Prasert Yodkaew's angel wings are made of a plug, a Chinese spoon, a bidet spray, a used toothbrush, a plastic fork, an amulet, nuts and bolts and some wires wrapped roughly in plastic cover.