Search Result for “man killed”

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Political fights, human rights

Life, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 26/09/2016

» It's not the cruellest scene from Oct 6, 1976, but cruelty was never in short supply that morning. What Somchai Homla-or experienced is just one of many unfortunate examples that remind descendants and survivors of how ugly mobilised nationalist mobs can turn modern Thai history into a bloodbath.



Reality in South fails to match government spin

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 13/09/2016

» The appointment of the army chief's younger brother, Lt Gen Piyawat Nakwanich, as the 4th Army Region commander, does not bring a new sense of hope for peace in the restive deep South.



Songkhla bomb attacks linked to power plant

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 21/04/2016

» A series of bomb attacks in Songkhla may be linked to people protesting about a proposed coal power plant in the deep South, an opponent of the project says.



Cycle of reprisals point to peace plan flaws

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/04/2016

» A rash of insurgent attacks in the deep South in the past months attest to the fact there are flaws in the military strategy and measures to achieve peace in this restive region.



The diplomatic fields

Life, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 26/10/2015

» Smiling and neatly-dressed in a sampot hol, or long silk skirt, Eat Sophea leaves an impression of a cheerful and easy-going lady at official functions, from National Day receptions to cultural trips full of the diplomatic corps. The tall and slim Cambodian ambassador to Thailand also knows how to enjoy herself at dancing parties where ambassadorial formality gives way to a measure of joyful foot-tapping.


Open and public discussion remains a risky business

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 13/10/2015

» There have been stark differences in the commemorative events for the Oct 14, 1973 student uprising and the Oct 6, 1976 massacre. The first was about the triumph for the democratic forces of the students, while the latter was the opposite. This year's commemorations were no exception.



Activist rejects idea of Uighur link with blast

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 22/08/2015

» A Uighur activist has downplayed the possibility of his compatriots’ involvement in Monday's horrendous bomb attack in Bangkok, saying Thailand is a hospitable nation for most asylum seekers including Uighurs.



Koh Tao policeman challenged over killings

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 09/07/2015

» Surat Thani: Defence lawyers of two Myanmar suspects accused of murdering two British tourists on Koh Tao challenged a police officer involved in the case over the reliability of his investigation as the trial opened Wednesday.



Well of tears dries up for grieving gran

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 29/04/2015

» Jiem Wongnoi, who lost her daughter and grandchild on the eve of the Songkran festival, has no tears left. "The tears are all dried up in my heart," she says.



The path of most resistance

Spectrum, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 12/04/2015

» Their photos and names are not only held on civilian, police and military intelligence files. The armed forces have now spread warnings about them to non-military staff and family members situated in and around Bangkok barracks.