Search Result for “look for Thais”

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The constitutional merry-go-round revolves once again

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 23/05/2015

» So finally we’re going to have a referendum on this draft constitution. Hooray! This makes it 20 constitutions since 1932. That’s one constitution every four years on average if you do the maths. Therefore, it will come as no surprise to foreign observers that Thais have very little emotional investment in this document, because it’s more than likely we’ll be rewriting, redrafting, rewinding and reinventing another constitution in a few years time. Thailand has become a serial murderer of constitutions and the more constitutions we put to death, the less meaning each one has.



Time to redefine Thainess for 21st-century success

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 16/05/2015

» When the government seeks to promote Thainess, what exactly do they mean? I guess every nation has their particular traits, but what are our national traits? And are they traits which we would want to advertise or encourage?


Democracy must be built on mistrust of 'good people'

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 28/04/2015

» Thailand's new draft constitution has set a new world record. At 131 pages, it's officially the longest love letter in the history of mankind. It's also a galactic demonstration of unadulterated vanity because it's a letter written by a group of people, to themselves. That's right, essentially it's a love letter written by the "good people" to the "good people" telling the "good people" how extremely "good" they are. To all you self-absorbed, emotionally detached Thai men out there (myself included), this is how you write a love letter!


We can learn from Selma marches

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 12/03/2015

» This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery marches which were led by Rev Martin Luther King Jr and many other civil rights activists. These three marches by ordinary American men and women, mostly of African descent, still stand as historical landmarks of the triumph of the human spirit over grave injustice and the dark forces of segregation.


Reforms must ensure state apparatus is on our side

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 19/12/2014

» Among the reforms the National Reform Council (NRC) is expected to design is a new election system that will help Thailand mitigate the influence of vote-buying.


Under the military regime, are we still citizens?

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 03/06/2014

» Under Pheu Thai Party rule we heard a cacophony of complaints from a "sanctimonious society" about a parliamentary dictatorship. But now the country is under military dictatorship, their silence is utterly embarrassing.


My vote against tyranny and for a new Thailand

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 04/02/2014

» Accompanied by my father, I made it my number one priority to head to a voting booth on Sunday because I felt compelled to cast my vote against tyranny.


Push for real change, not another coup d'etat

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 06/08/2013

» This week, debate on one of the most important and controversial bills to be submitted for parliamentary approval will commence, just as the protests outside the House become more vocal.



Are you Thai? 11 ways to tell

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 25/12/2012

» A few weeks ago I wrote an article for this newspaper titled "How to Tell Whether You're a Farang". I got so many Tweets suggesting that I write a follow-up to even things out that I felt obligated to pen a simple test for those Thais attempting to become farang, and to determine whether they have indeed made that transformation successfully. So here's my simple test, for what it's worth.



How to tell if you're still a farang

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 28/11/2012

» As a Thai who has spent some time abroad I consider myself able to evaluate whether a farang, (I use this term endearingly) has been properly assimilated into Thai society.