Search Result for “long”

Showing 111 - 120 of 269



Grills and Thrills

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 13/03/2016

» If you think in terms of time spent, it might seem that the methods our ancestors used to cook food were very demanding. Take grilling fish on a charcoal stove, for example. In those days, people thought of grilled fish as a simple dish. All you had to do was get the stove ready, put in some dried coconut husks as fuel, set the fish on the grill and cover them with banana leaves. The banana leaves kept the smoke inside so that it would flavour the fish and also stopped the breeze from blowing directly onto the coconut husks and making them burst into flames.


Don't turn your nose up

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 06/03/2016

» You’re in luck if you are one of those people who likes vegetables so much that you are happy to have some with every meal. They contain almost all of the good things the body needs, and there are health benefits to be enjoyed by eating them regularly. Doctors have recommended that when eating vegetables, especially fresh ones, they should be chewed thoroughly. Then, when they are swallowed, the stomach and intestines are able to fully absorb the nutrients they contain without having to work too hard.


An oasis under threat

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 28/02/2016

» Last week in this column I discussed Thailand’s system of managing tourism, one that is causing the degradation and destruction of many old communities and valuable historical sites. I suggested a number of reasons for this situation, some concerned with the tourists themselves, some with investors, some with the government offices that oversee tourism and some with an ongoing deterioration in the communities. This week I would like to look at what is happening in one riverside community in Chanthaburi, a very old one that is a new member among the ranks of the victims of Thailand’s destructive tourism policies and practices.


Rravel Blight

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 21/02/2016

» This may be taking a dim view of things, but our approach to promoting tourism here seems to be geared toward travellers who like things quick and easy. This is the way things are working now, and it has caused the deterioration of many of our tourism sites.


The case of the shrinking mussels

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 14/02/2016

» I’d lived in Bangkok for my entire life and when I moved out of the city I counted my blessings. How lucky I was now to escape the traffic. How fortunate I was not to have to wade through water when it rained. How nice to no longer get lost on new roads that had suddenly appeared.



The sales pitch, Thai style

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 07/02/2016

» It goes without saying that everyone engaged in commerce wants to attract as many buyers as possible. Even if a high-quality product is being sold, it has to be presented in a way that catches the customer’s interest, usually by arranging it in a way to make it look most attractive.


In testament to good taste

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 31/01/2016

» Today I would like to talk about a shop that may already be familiar to readers of the Louis Vuitton guide to Bangkok that came out recently. The Louis Vuitton company have published many volumes in their guidebook series for various major cities, and issues them free to purchasers of their famous products, which include bags and suitcases of every kind. These items are popular among buyers of high-fashion, luxury products and those who use them see them as quality accessories that testify to their good taste.



The old and the new

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 24/01/2016

» When you read old Thai cookbooks, you will find certain very specific descriptive words often appear with the instructions on how to prepare a dish. These can be very interesting, as they give an insight into how cooks of the past chose the ingredients and techniques that would ensure the dish would turn out at its best.


A sauce of inspiration

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 17/01/2016

» No unpopular food will ever inspire sellers to start savaging each other for customers. On the other hand, if the food product is widely enjoyed, has been around for a long time and goes well with a variety of different kinds of dishes, it may inspire competition and appear on the shelves under many brand names to give buyers a choice.


Back to basics

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 10/01/2016

» A special welcome to those people who are retiring this year. From now on, no need to get up in the morning just to head off to work. Some may feel comfortable with their new freedom and be content just to do nothing, while others will see it as an opportunity to do some of the travelling they have been dreaming about for years.