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Food waste engineers

Guru, Nianne-Lynn Hendricks, Published on 30/03/2018

» Benjamin Lephilibert is the founder of LightBlue Environmental Consulting, a Bangkok based firm aiming at maximising the profitability of hotels and government agencies while minimising social and environmental footprints. A pioneer for food waste prevention, Lephilibert contributed to the design of The Pledge On Food Waste. In Thailand, he works with Club Med, Accor, Hilton and Sampran hotel groups, to name a few. Guru had a chat with him at last week's {Re} Food Forum.



I <3 Bangkok

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 09/03/2018

» Ah, Bangkok -- the city where road laws are more like suggestions than laws, where the traffic is horrible, the air is polluted, where that Rolex you bought stops working the next day and where a "ping pong show" isn't a game of table tennis. There are many weird and sometimes downright horrifying things we experience living in Bangkok, like being stuck in a taxi with a perverted driver. But despite the many, many things we complain about, Bloomberg's Misery Index (which is a thing, you can Google it) has named Thailand "the least miserable country". In light of that, we've compiled a few reasons why we love living in Bangkok (we are aware we're focusing on Bangkok and not Thailand. We see you rushing to troll us, haters) to remind you to look at the brighter side and forget the fact that the elections are postponed again... Oops.



It's an organic party at Patom

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 06/10/2017

» <b>The setting:</b> Off the main street of Thong Lor (down Thong Lor 25 if you're coming from the BTS) is what can only be described as a jaw-dropping, high-ceilinged glass house and oasis with a garden. Patom, which in Thai means beginning, also recalls the area of Nakhon Pathom from which all its organic produce and raw materials come from. The family behind the renowned tourist destination of Sampran Riverside (more often known as The Rose Garden) bought the land alongside the Tha Chin River some 53 years ago and across from that property lies Patom's organic farm which is certified in accordance with IFOAM, EU and Canadian standards. Here, fruits herbs and vegetables are grown. Patom also gets its organic produce from other local farmers in Nakhon Pathom that are supported by BLISS, a foundation set up by Patom's founders. Alongside fresh organic produce and lunch boxes prepared daily, one can also head to the store to stock up on cold-pressed juices, drink hand-picked Chiang Dao coffee while sitting outside in the serene back garden and purchase a number of different natural body care and skin products. All products are either 100% organic or made using natural and local ingredients, with as much of the components being as organic as possible (from 30% upwards).



Some like it Siam

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 29/09/2017

» New things to do in Siam!? What an obvious story, we hear you say, dear readers! Another one about what's going on in the square mile of Bangkok's beating heart, which has been the epicentre of the city's art, culture and fashion scene since the 70s. Well, actually, new developments have occurred which simply cannot go unnoticed! And while researching the new, we found ourselves re-igniting that old flaming passion we had many years ago for the square. Some things don't change, and other things do, but it's safe to say that if you spend a day here, you'll locate that pulse that gives life to all your inspirations, be filled with new tastes and colours and perhaps pull an all-nighter working on your next big project. Read on to see why.



Classic cool

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 12/05/2017

» Charoen Krung neighbourhood is a crossroads where traditions meet contemporaries -- a clash of old and new, past and future, and it is now clamouring with street art, retro shops, galleries, street food and fine dining.



Spiritual journeys on Bangkok's BTS

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 12/05/2017

» Those familiar with the contemporary art circles of Thailand will know that Kamin Lertchaiprasert's name carries immense respect. The Silpakorn University graduate and former student of The Art Student League of New York has spent most of his career developing a deep interest in religion and philosophy. Previously known for co-founding The Land Foundation that turned rice fields into spaces for site-specific art and architectural projects, as well as a number of international solo exhibitions, Kamin will now, potentially, be known for something even more soul awakening. He is currently crowdfunding a pioneering art project that will give Bangkok its first ever city-wide mobile installation. The campaign, "Universal Connections" is set to wrap an entire BTS train, inside and out, with pieces of art composed of "spiritual fractals". We sat down with the talented artist to find out more about this exciting project. If you're interested in seeing this ground-breaking project made possible — come on, won't you be glad to say good riddance to all that flashy corporate advertising we're bombarded with on a daily basis? — be sure to make your contribution to "Universal Connections" via the crowdfunding platform



While the kitties NAP, we nibble

Guru, Narada Sai-ngam, Published on 14/04/2017

» Over the past few years, animal cafes have proven to be a thing in Thailand, judging by the number of ones operating in Bangkok and major provinces like Chiang Mai and Phuket. And cat cafes are the first subset of this group that have pawed their way into purr-pularity (two puns intended).



Livin' La Vida Mocha

Guru, Lydia Bilton, Published on 10/03/2017

» Here's a Friday fun fact for you. Did you know that Starbucks (that world-famous green and white coffeehouse you Bangkokians love) failed miserably in Australia? In 2003, the American coffee giant opened eighty-four stores Down Under, and eight years later, sixty of those closed.



Let's get high

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/03/2017

» Many restaurants aspire to give their patrons an elevated dining experience, and in some cases, this has been taken literally. Bangkok is home to a vast array of rooftop restaurants and bars, some of which are well-known, go-to places for a dinner with a magnificent view of the city's skyline. This week, we have rounded up a number of relatively new rooftop restos for you to check out and enjoy. Protip: don't look down. Seriously.



What's trending and happening this week

Muse, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 25/02/2017

» 1. This upcoming Friday will see the release of the Nintendo Switch, the Japanese gaming titan's first console since the under-performing Wii U which was released in 2012. Touted as a hybrid between traditional home consoles and the handhelds Nintendo has long been known for, the Switch will feature a detachable screen that can be carried around for gaming on the go, as well as an HDMI-connected dock that will allow games to be played on a regular TV. The exact prices in Thai baht have yet to be announced, though the console will retail in the US at $300 (approximately 10,000 baht).