Search Result for “it”

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Getting a leg up on work

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 02/04/2015

» Like many professions, mine involves being seated in front of a computer for long hours on a daily basis. Tenseness and soreness in the neck, shoulder and back muscles are inevitable. Regular visits to massage establishments work well in alleviating pain, but the soothing result is always temporary. But now I think I've finally found a solution to the problem that has been tormenting me for the past 25 years — a workstation that doesn't keep me confined to a chair.



Thailand: for your biking needs

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 26/02/2015

» With increasing popularity, cycling is featured more often in the media, both as good and bad news. Recently a unique biking video was posted on YouTube. Shot in New Zealand, it shows two riders racing down a mountainside overlooking a beautiful lake, one dressed as a tortoise and the other as a hare. Unlike most downhill-mountain-biking-themed films, there were not many hair-raising stunts. But what I found very interesting was the fact that it was not a production by bike makers, star pro riders, bike magazines or major race sponsors. It was created by an airline.


Take a stand on taxis, general

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 22/01/2015

» The bitter account of a Japanese educational volunteer's latest experience at Suvarnabhumi airport, which he referred to as "a disgrace to Thailand", has been all over the internet in the past few days. Originating on Facebook, where it since has been shared more than 1,600 times, Koki Aki — known as Kamen Rider among some of Bangkok's underprivileged children after visiting them dressed as the motorcycle-driving Japanese superhero — complained about poor service at the airport, especially in regards to taxis.


Onwards and upwards, in an orderly line

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 11/12/2014

» During rush hour the other day, I exited Sukhumvit MRT station and was struck by an awesome sight that filled my heart with joy and my eyes with tears. There, on the escalators leading up to the adjacent Asok BTS station, people were standing in single file to the right of the moving stairs, leaving the left side open from the bottom all the way to the very top.


A Skytrain named Desire

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 06/11/2014

» Smoking, eating and drinking on the BTS Skytrain are strictly prohibited. But there is no express forbidding of farting, spitting, peeing, cooking or lovemaking. That's understandable — such acts and several others are known to be no-nos in public areas.


It's all in the wrist

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 02/10/2014

» During a browse through news sites the other day, I stumbled upon a story that forced me to put down my tablet and rush straight to the calendar to check that it wasn't April Fools' Day.


Brotherhood of the Asean bikers

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 31/07/2014

» It’s not unknown that there is a special bond between cyclists. In Thailand, for example, it’s common for a rider to greet other bikers on the street, even if they are complete strangers — a practice that is non-existent among any other group of road users.


Supporting the coup, boycotting brands

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 26/06/2014

» It wasn’t long enough ago that I could have forgotten. For half-a-year before the coup, so many Thais, the number reaching millions on certain days, left the comfort of their homes and took to Bangkok’s streets in peaceful protests against the highly corrupted previous government. Almost on a daily basis, they were attacked by armed men. Dozens had been killed, children included, while many more were injured and have to live the rest of their lives with physical disabilities. The police never arrested any of the murderers. At the time, the United States and the European Union never showed any concern. Understandably, it was purely Thailand’s internal affairs and none of their business.


The healthy truth

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 10/04/2014

» It doesn’t seem that long since we celebrated the arrival of 2014. But it’s the height of the hot season already and Songkran, the traditional Thai New Year, is set to return three days from now. I don’t think it’s just me, but it’s as if time is flying even faster these days. Without soaring temperatures and the fact that khao niao mamuang (mango and sticky rice) are now ubiquitously available, I would be easily convinced if someone told me we’re still somewhere in the beginning of the year’s first quarter.