Search Result for “it”

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Backtracking Apple allows ad tracking

Life, James Hein, Published on 24/10/2012

» So you have your new iPhone 5 and you love it; good for you! The first time you access iTunes you'll need to provide a payment gateway of some kind. Unlike with Android-based devices, you'll need to give Apple financial access in order to be able to get to the free stuff. My advice, especially if you have children, is to use a debit card with a low ceiling on spending, or something similar, so that when your children use your phone and inadvertently start paying for stuff, your liability will be kept within acceptable limits.


Is Twitter's number up?

Life, James Hein, Published on 17/10/2012

» Some time ago the stock exchange in the US had problems because online trading was new and how quickly people would react to a perceived change in the market was unexpected. Fast forward to 2012 and the age of the tweet and online flash mobs and we find ourselves in a similar situation but with a broader scope.


Barcoding gets better

Life, James Hein, Published on 10/10/2012

» Everyone has seen a barcode, a little strip of lines that represents a simple alphanumeric code, typically used for keeping track of stock items. There had been no need to improve on this for a long time.


Remembering life before the fall

Life, James Hein, Published on 03/10/2012

» If you remember the days of floppy disks or putting something on a CD a while back then you know about the problems of data retention.


Google's backdown doesn't bode well

Life, James Hein, Published on 26/09/2012

» The internet should be free and there are few areas that I believe should be filtered or banned. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are two of the most important elements of any kind of free system. Services like Google's YouTube should not be selectively filtered just because one ideology says so. People living in southern Thailand are very familiar with this scenario as it has caused many problems there. A case in point is a third-rate movie called The Innocence of Muslims which is being used to justify violence across the world, including in Thailand. The governments of the US, Australia and other _ what would normally be called _"free" societies have demanded a ban on this film. Google initially resisted, but eventually bowed to the pressure and some access was restricted from certain countries, including even India. Free-speech advocates have criticised Google for doing this, and rightly so, because if this continues then all posts are at risk.


Silence trolls with flattery

Life, James Hein, Published on 19/09/2012

» Internet trolls are becoming more prevalent. While those hideous, green creatures featured in fairy tales usually lie in wait for victims under bridges, internet trolls lurk on discussion and other sites and typically engage in some kind of ad hominem attack against the site or individuals posting there. The attacks are contrary, nasty and designed to elicit some kind of response.


Phone wars heat up

Life, James Hein, Published on 12/09/2012

» Has anyone noticed how phone-centric we seem to have become? For the most part I still use my phone as a phone and to occasionally send an SMS. Since I upgraded to a Galaxy S3 I have yet to reinstall many of the apps I put on my S2 and even though I get regular notifications of incoming emails, I never check them with my phone and no, I do not use Twitter. My favourite Android apps are Magnify, Google Sky Map and Open GPS Tracker. Other people I notice around me seem to be buried in their phones far more often. Facebook, email, Twitter, SMS and a plethora of other programmes are on the go while driving, walking, cycling and running, eating and working. My nieces sit on the couch and play games on their parents' phones when I see them, and more and more I see fewer children outside playing. The smartphone has replaced the diary and, for some, the notebook.


Court's Apple ruling sure to be appealed

Life, James Hein, Published on 05/09/2012

» The big news in the mobile-phone and tablet marketplace is the US-centric Apple win against Samsung in the United States. Many people regard this decision as ridiculous and think that it highlights how mercenary and capitalist Apple has become.


Smartphone patent battle is pretty dumb

Life, James Hein, Published on 28/08/2012

» This week it's time to take a look at the ongoing phone wars. Nokia and RIM, makers of the Blackberry, are essentially out of the market leaving Apple, Samsung, Microsoft and a number of Asian providers.


How to create your dream house with a 3D printer

Life, James Hein, Published on 21/08/2012

» It wasn't that long ago when printing something involved at least one sheet of paper and some ink. In recent times this has changed to no sheet of paper, an engineering plan and some exotic printing materials.