Search Result for “it”

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Thailand's lack of internet freedom

News, Published on 23/12/2016

» Earlier this year, the Thai government announced its desire to create an economy of fresh new businesses through a 20-billion-baht ($555 million) fund.



That special human 'thing' will always beat AI

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 19/12/2016

» This year's news about what artificial intelligence can do in the arts has been both exciting and scary. Neural networks have learned to paint like masters and compose sophisticated music. Those of us in creative endeavours might be as endangered by technological advances as blue-collar workers are often said to be -- though we are protected by certain limitations that technology is never likely to overcome.


Don't count on a crash from a Trump trade war

News, Noah Smith, Published on 22/11/2016

» Talk of war is in the air -- trade war!



Hillary Clinton may have lost, but women still won

News, Published on 16/11/2016

» There will be the temptation to see Hillary Clinton's defeat as evidence that a woman can't rise to the top. If we're not careful, the dominant gender will whisper in the backroom, let's not nominate one of them again.



Is Beijing's new fighter jet the real deal or all show?

News, Tobin Harshaw, Published on 04/11/2016

» There was a brief but impressive show of new US aircraft technology this week. The problem is that the planes belong to the Chinese military.



Debating free trade and populist backlash

News, Published on 03/11/2016

» The benefits of free trade have been a cornerstone of economic thought for decades. Recently, though, trade agreements have become the target of a populist backlash, with opposition to trade deals emerging as a key issue in the US presidential race. At the same time, new research suggests that trade led to lower wages and higher unemployment for some Americans, particularly middle-class manufacturing workers. We asked Bloomberg View columnists Tyler Cowen and Noah Smith to meet online to debate the pros and cons of trade.


The cashless society is just another creepy fantasy

News, Elaine Ou, Published on 21/10/2016

» It's fun to imagine a world without cash.


There's a reason why populists tend to lose elections

News, Pankaj Mishra, Published on 20/10/2016

» In a democracy, the "people" are the supreme arbiters, and their wisdom speaks through the electoral process. Such is the assumption on which the modern world has been built since God and monarchs began to fade from the scene. Lately, however, the wisdom of the people has felt a bit off-key. In one country after another, from the Philippines to the US, Hungary to India, the people have chosen to boost demagogues, not to mention serial gropers.



China must act peacefully despite tough talk

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 21/07/2016

» In April, Chinese President Xi Jinping told foreign ministers from 26 countries at the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia in the Chinese capital that Beijing is committed in maintaining peace and stability in the region and pledged to work with Southeast Asia in turning the South China Sea into a "sea of peace, friendship and cooperation".



Solo attacks are expected to grow

News, Eli Lake, Published on 18/07/2016

» After the horror at Nice, perhaps the most depressing comment came from France's prime minister. Calling for unity in the face of terror, Manuel Valls observed: "Times have changed, and we should learn to live with terrorism. We have to show solidarity and collective calm."