Search Result for “it”

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A quantum leap for computers

Life, James Hein, Published on 22/02/2017

» According to Prof Winfried Hensinger of the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom, he and his team have the first practical design for a quantum computer. Like millions of others, I have struggled to come to an understanding of quantum mechanics and how a quantum computer might work.



Facebook stalking; hijacked smartphones

Life, James Hein, Published on 24/06/2015

» I am not a big social media user. I keep my profiles trim and any pictures to a minimum. I don't like Twitter at all for various reasons and I find most of the users of Tumblr focused on social engineering directions I don't agree with. All of that aside then, there is Facebook. Like many others I use Facebook to connect to people I have lost touch with, such as old high school friends whom I have no way of tracking down. In my case my Goodreads account is linked to Facebook to let people know what I am reading or have read. If you like reading and haven't tried it then take a look at For me it also a great way to track what I have read and haven't in, say, a series I like.


Entering the darkness

Life, James Hein, Published on 03/06/2015

» You may have heard of the terms "Dark Web" or "Deep Web", then again you may not have. First of all these two terms refer to different things. The first is a series of websites that provide illegal services, such as ordering drugs, and a range of other things typically purchased using Bitcoins. The second refers to all the unindexed sites that exist across the World Wide Web. According to some reports, Google indexes about 16% of the internet, leaving the majority of sites not findable through most search engines.


Computing genetic manipulation

Life, James Hein, Published on 20/05/2015

» What is the next big thing? Microsoft and some others would like you to believe it is all things cloudy. The problems with that are factors like communication channels between continents, security of information, the reliability of a server somewhere else versus on-site and the army of hackers trying to get into all that information just sitting there. If you have seen the intro to CSI: Cyber you will know what I mean. Another group want it to be virtual reality glasses for all, but as the Google Glass demonstrated, people walking around with even small glasses were not appreciated. At least the VR goggles will mostly be at home. This technology still has quite a way to go.