Search Result for “is”

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Britain's current mess extends well beyond Brexit

News, John Lloyd, Published on 13/11/2017

» Britain -- ever-ready to boast stable politics and a faultless, often-called "Rolls-Royce" civil service -- is in a mess. Between scandals over sex, secret meetings, political donors and the royal family, the government is melting down.



How the Catalonia vote threatens the EU

News, John Lloyd, Published on 06/11/2017

» The struggles for and against independence in the Spanish province of Catalonia are emblematic of the European Union's present strength and its future weakness. They also display the weaknesses, present and future, of the two leaders of the contending parties: Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish prime minister and Carles Puigdemont, president of Catalonia.



Xi's new power won't stop expressions of dissent

News, John Lloyd, Published on 30/10/2017

» Xi Jinping -- president of China, general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, chairman of the Central Military Commission, chief of the military's Joint Operations Command Centre, chairman of the committees on cyber security, economics and finance among others -- has a new honour that will linger long after he leaves office.



Middle Europe turns back on EU

News, John Lloyd, Published on 23/10/2017

» In the Oct 15 Austrian elections, the 31-year old head of the conservative Austrian People's Party took his formerly languishing party to victory and secured the chancellorship for himself. Sebastian Kurz is on course to be the youngest leader in the developed world.



Neglect of rising threats likely to leave toxic legacy

News, John Lloyd, Published on 16/10/2017

» Among many of us in the generations that have done well out of the post-World War Two period, there's now a feeling of guilt -- as there should be.



How widespread hate speech can harm your brain

News, John Lloyd, Published on 09/10/2017

» In a flurry of confident pronouncements within an hour of the massacre at a Las Vegas country music festival, conservative commentators and activists linked the perpetrator, Stephen Paddock, to liberal or Islamist influences. Rush Limbaugh, still the doyen of right-wing talk radio, credited Islamic State with being Paddock's ideological home, arguing that it was disguised by the liberal media because "for the American left, there is no such thing as militant Islamic terrorism."



The dire mess Britain finds itself in

News, John Lloyd, Published on 26/09/2017

» British politics are a terrible mess. But don't blame populism, however that's defined. If anything, blame democracy -- however that's organised.


Merkel sets direction for Europe

News, John Lloyd, Published on 11/09/2017

» Germans will choose a government on Sept 24, and that government is likely to be headed, for the twelfth year running, by Angela Merkel. The uncharismatic 63-year-old from East Germany may not have captured her fellow Germans' hearts, but she has appealed so strongly to their rational selves that polls suggest they find no reason to replace her.



Europe struggles over Trump plan

News, John Lloyd, Published on 07/08/2017

» 'We have to understand, that we Europeans must fight for our own future and destiny," said Angela Merkel. This was the German chancellor speaking to a crowd of supporters in May, after a testy few days of a G7 summit that included reports in German news media that Donald Trump had called her country "very bad" for selling so many cars to the United States -- and which saw the US president emerge as the only G7 dissenter on combating climate change.



Immigration fear not limited to UK

News, John Lloyd, Published on 17/07/2017

» Britain's intention to leave the European Union -- Brexit -- will greatly affect the rest of the world. It's not confined to the effect it will have on the British economy, even if that is likely to be major, nor on the adjustments the remaining 27 EU states must make.