Search Result for “is”

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China's 220 million seniors may reshape the world

News, Adam Minter, Published on 31/05/2017

» For decades, Nestle SA has tried to get its infant milk powder into the hands of China's new mothers with promises of brighter, healthier babies. Now it's trying to do the same for the elderly. Last week, the company launched "Nestle YIYANG Fuel for brainTM senior milk powder", a formula designed to help China's seniors "refuel their brains and start a new smart life".


China's hidden pollution oozes its way to the surface

News, Adam Minter, Published on 12/05/2017

» Last month, Chinese President Xi Jinping directed his government to build a new city for the "millennium to come". It would rise on rural land about 100km south of Beijing, guided by the principles of "ecological protection and green development". And it would become a model for a new kind of urban expansion.



China's Great Firewall yet another trade barrier

News, Adam Minter, Published on 28/03/2017

» The San Francisco-based photo-sharing site Pinterest would seem to rank low on the list of potential threats to China. Beloved by fashion designers, photographers, cooks and hobbyists, the seven-year-old website is a global hub for the sharing of images, trends and ideas on topics ranging from living-room design to what to cook at your Saturday barbecue.



Used to Big Brother, Chinese learn value of privacy

News, Adam Minter, Published on 21/03/2017

» China's Communist government has never shown much concern for the privacy of Chinese citizens. If you have something to hide, the thinking goes, we probably need to know it. In one form or another, surveillance and monitoring have evolved into a well-honed form of social control. And as a result, neither companies nor consumers have traditionally had very high expectations for individual privacy.



Why people still live, and die, on rubbish dumps

News, Adam Minter, Published on 17/03/2017

» When a mountain of trash collapsed at the fetid Reppi dump outside of Addis Ababa on Monday, at least 82 people died. It could've been worse: Hundreds of people live atop Reppi, Ethiopia's biggest waste dump, trying to make a living from salvaging what city residents throw away. Despite well-known dangers, and the best efforts of the government, they've done so for decades.



KL has plenty of reasons to test Kim

News, Adam Minter, Published on 09/03/2017

» It didn't take long for Malaysia to retaliate against North Korea for barring its citizens from leaving the country on Tuesday. Within hours, a security cordon had surrounded North Korea's Malaysian embassy to prevent diplomatic staff from leaving. The response may not be legal under international law, but it's certainly understandable. North Korea is not only accused of sponsoring an assassination in Malaysia's busiest airport, using a banned nerve agent. It's since taunted and bullied Malaysian officials attempting to investigate the crime.



One way for China to stop the world's next pandemic

News, Adam Minter, Published on 28/02/2017

» The deadliest outbreak of H7N9 bird flu since its discovery in 2013 is sweeping across China. It's caused at least 100 deaths and has been detected in half the country's provinces. So far, the virus seems to be spreading only between birds and the humans who slaughter them for food. But the potential for human-to-human transmission -- the trigger for a full-blown pandemic -- can't be ruled out. In response, Chinese authorities have temporarily shut down live poultry markets in some of the country's biggest cities.



As EBay returns to China, it may be onto something

News, Adam Minter, Published on 24/02/2017

» About a decade ago, EBay Inc made a legendary retreat from the Chinese auction business in the face of growing local competition. It was a defeat so humiliating that it became a business school case study. Since then, however, the Chinese e-commerce market has changed drastically -- and so has EBay. As the company makes its return to the mainland, it may be at the forefront of an important trend in online trade.



Amazon might just transform how goods are shipped

News, Adam Minter, Published on 16/02/2017

» For consumers, Amazon's made shipping easy: Just choose the desired delivery date for your goodies and click. For the manufacturers who have to get those products to you, however, shipping remains a troublesome, inefficient, stubbornly analog business. Your "one-click" often translates into multiple phone calls, emails, faxes and reams of paperwork -- all coordinated by a knowledgeable and well-connected professional.



China masters ballpoint pen at last

News, Adam Minter, Published on 17/01/2017

» Last week, China announced it had mastered the art of making ballpoint pens. Don't laugh: It was a years-long effort that cost millions of dollars and required the leadership of a state-run corporate colossus. It was front-page news, widely discussed on talk shows and celebrated on social media.