Search Result for “internet explorer”

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Shopping the next frontier for TikTok

Published on 08/07/2023

» JAKARTA: Inside a shophouse in Northeast Jakarta, dozens of salespeople take turns peddling cosmetics, contact lenses and hair accessories. A woman helps a potential customer choose the right shade of lipstick for her skin tone, while a man yells out the latest markdown on vitamin tablets.



Browser Startups Take Aim at Google Chrome, Apple Safari

Business, Published on 20/08/2022

» Web browsers were at the center of the first major antitrust case challenging the power of big tech companies more than two decades ago. Now a new generation of regulators and rivals are again questioning whether the gateways to the internet are too tightly controlled.



Choosing your next book

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 26/06/2022

» By some measures, the book business is doing better than ever. Last year, readers bought nearly 827 million print books, an increase of roughly 10% over 2020, and a record since NPD BookScan began tracking two decades ago.



RIP Internet Explorer: South Korean engineer's browser 'grave' goes viral

AFP, Published on 17/06/2022

» SEOUL - A South Korean engineer who built a grave for Internet Explorer -- photos of which quickly went viral -- told AFP Friday that the now-defunct web browser had made his life a misery.



RIP Explorer: Microsoft's web browser retired

AFP, Published on 16/06/2022

» WASHINGTON: Internet Explorer, Microsoft's once dominant web browser that some users love to hate, was retired Wednesday after 27 years on the world's computer screens.



Beware of scammers

Life, James Hein, Published on 25/05/2022

» As things in the world get worse, such as inflation, along with a lack of basic goods and services, there has been a corresponding increase in overall malware and scammers. It is sadly the nature of some to take advantage of those who are more vulnerable and less informed about this subject. Adding to the issue is the massive amount of data sharing that is passed or sold to bad actors. Governments seem to be heavily involved in this. I recently had to fill out some material and within a day I received a scam call relating to that activity. I have no way of knowing if there was some kind of active hack or if someone regularly sold the data, but it happens very fast these days. Sign up for just about anything now and you will probably receive an email or phone call relating to that, not from those you signed up with, but from people pretending to be.



Europe's battle to curb Big Tech

AFP, Published on 10/11/2021

» PARIS - US tech giants Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft -- collectively dubbed GAFAM -- have been accused of not paying enough taxes, stifling competition, stealing media content and threatening democracy by spreading fake news.



Windows facelift is on the cards

Life, James Hein, Published on 04/08/2021

» Today we start by looking at Windows 11. Microsoft is getting closer to its new major Windows version, expected at the end of the year. According to the marketing blurb it is focused on "simplified design and user experience" along with a few new key features, including Android support.



Microsoft announces retirement of Internet Explorer

AFP, Published on 21/05/2021

» SAN FRANCISCO: Microsoft said it is retiring Internet Explorer, the browser it created more than 25 years and which is now largely abandoned as people instead use competitors like Google's Chrome or Apple's Safari.


Microsoft Plans to Pull the Plug on Internet Explorer

Business, Published on 21/05/2021

» Microsoft Corp. plans to largely retire its Internet Explorer browser, adding to the digital scrap heap a product once at the center of one of the tech industry's biggest battles.