Search Result for “inspector”

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Celluloid sleuths more fun in the old days

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/03/2023

» I was watching a US cops and robbers film the other day in which the police were using those large portable phones that were around just at the start of the cellphone revolution. Nothing dates a film more than the type of phones they are using. Those unwieldy early portable phones look quite comical these days and seem more cumbersome than convenient.


The million-baht 'misunderstanding'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/09/2022

» Last week a man was arrested in connection with a house robbery that took place in Bangkok almost 11 years ago which involved five other suspects who have already been detained. It suggests police can pursue old cases effectively if they put their mind to it.


Warning: It's blowing a hoolie out there

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/04/2022

» Part of the ceiling of our small carport was blown off by a freak gusting wind recently. No great drama but this minor incident served as a reminder of just how powerful the wind can be, even an insignificant "Bangkok gust". I am truly thankful not to have experienced tornadoes like those in the US which must be terrifying.



The Soliloquy of Harold Callahan

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/07/2021

» My thanks to former colleague Alan Dawson for alerting me to a scene from the Clint Eastwood film Sudden Impact which may throw some light on the hot dog and ketchup debate which featured in last week's column.


Don't worry, be happy … like the Finns

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 28/03/2021

» For the second year running Thailand was ranked 54th in the UN-sponsored World Happiness Report which covers 149 countries. It seems that although we have not quite descended into the depths of Les Miserables, Thai people are not exactly dancing in the streets with joy either. However, considering the Covid situation, one suspects there's not one country in the world that is particularly happy.


Spivs, wide boys and dodgy kipper ties

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/11/2020

» Every now and again a word pops up which I have not heard for ages. That was the case recently with an email from a London-born friend who complained about "spivs" who had contributed to ruining his local football club's finances.


Bald pride and the curse of the comb-over

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/01/2020

» Last weekend, the Bangkok Post published an entertaining letter from the always perceptive S Tsow, who delivered an impassioned defence of being bald. Mr Tsow, who proudly describes himself as "a person of baldness", was particularly upset after observing on television one of Rudy Guiliani's associates (Lev Parnas) brazenly displaying a "cowardly comb-over".


From Abbey Road to Sukhumvit Road

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/09/2019

» There seems to have been a never-ending stream of 50th anniversaries this year, all of which have contributed to me feeling increasingly wrinkly.



Rodents are simply a master of taste

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/08/2018

» There was a news report last week about the arrest on the Cambodian border of a gentleman smuggling 800kgs of dead rats. Imagine that. There are plenty of ways to make money through smuggling, but bootlegging deceased rodents is not one that immediately springs to mind.



Reading habits that come to a dead end

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/04/2018

» The other evening, I had just finished the crime thriller <i>Time of Death</i> by Mark Billingham and put it in my bookcase where it nestled next to Stephen Leather's <i>Dead Men</i>.