Search Result for “iPhone”

Showing 161 - 169 of 169


Songkran dampens spirits

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 11/04/2012

» For the love of God, why are you still reading "Noise"? Shouldn't you be out lounging on the beach or preparing for the upcoming Songkran water war?



The dark side of tablet PCs and new media

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 20/03/2012

» If things go as planned, almost a million tablet computers will be distributed to young first graders across the country before the new semester starts on May 15.


Time for stricter curbs on corporate gifts

News, Published on 14/03/2012

» Revelations that a firm offered an iPhone in a New Year's gift basket to the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission last week has drawn public attention to the regulating agency.


Public transport, the bane of commuters

News, Published on 10/03/2012

» Re: ''Girl's death costs bus firms B10m'' (BP, March 9). It is sad to find out that an Abac student fell from a bus in 2004 while standing near the exit. In an attempt to beat a red light on Ramkhamhaeng Road, the bus driver had failed to shut the door.


Looking a gift horse in the mouth

News, Arglit Boonyai, Published on 10/03/2012

» On Thursday, Supinya Klangnarong, a member of the broadcasting regulator - the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) - announced her desire for the drafting of a clear code of conduct related to gifts offered to the commission.


Doing time made easier by FaceTime

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 13/02/2012

» One of the funniest stories in the past week has got to be the protest by prisoners in Trang province who burned their beds and belongings, as well as that of their wardens because they wanted, among other things, to get rid of the chief warden because he was too strict.



Apple targets recruiting fees

News, Published on 01/02/2012

» There would be astounding double irony if the giant technology firm Apple can help to put a stop to one of the most pernicious and blatant problems of human trafficking in Thailand. But that is what the US firm pledged last month. It specifically named Thais as one of the most victimised groups of contracted workers.


Social media thriving in crises

News, Published on 07/01/2012

» Crises can bring a community closer, but can also quite easily tear it apart if communication breaks down.


Your digital photo album

Life, Boaz Zippor, Published on 03/01/2012

» In the last years I have encountered a very strange phenomenon that worries me, both as a photographer, but mainly as a researcher of human behaviour. Ok, maybe researcher of human behaviour is a bit of an overstatement, as usually I just snicker and make smart alek comments about that ridiculous game called human behaviour, but still, it is a phenomenon that should be acknowledged.