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Creativity is ... (Part 2)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 04/07/2013

» Two weeks ago, I shared with you some fundamental aspects related to the concept of creativity. Inspired by the popular 1970s cartoon series "Love is", we discussed eight essential features of creativity or what it means to be creative or to create. Today, let me share with you another eight features of what "Creativity is":


Creativity is ... (Part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 20/06/2013

» 'Love is", a comic strip by Kim Casali that was popular in the 1970s, discussed different aspects of loving and being loved, using simple messages shared between two lovers. In this column and the next, let's talk about the different aspects of creativity. What is creativity? What does it mean and encompass? How do we know if something is creative? What are the key aspects of creativity?


The secrets of creative genius

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 06/06/2013

» In my last column I discussed five of the techniques I have seen creative geniuses use when coming up with ideas. I have identified more than 60 of these techniques but have space to discuss only five more here. I'll be using the same sample challenge to illustrate them: ''How to introduce myself to others in an impressive, memorable way?'' And when creating ideas, please remember not to censor them. Even the most impractical, ''stupid'' ideas can contain the seed of greatness.


The 'Secrets of creative genius (Part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 23/05/2013

» Many businesses owe their success to a secret. Think of the recipe for Coca-Cola or Google's web page ranking algorithm. Likewise, many thinkers rely on secret formulas to help them "think different" and create great ideas.


Zombified! or why johnny can't innovate

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 09/05/2013

» Recent years have seen many stories involving zombies, from the novel World War Z to the straight-to-video film Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies to the TV show The Walking Dead. Why are there so many of these? And why now? My theory is that zombies are appearing in the arts because we're seeing zombie-like people in our daily lives.


As ye decide, So shall ye innovate (Part 2)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 25/04/2013

» In the last column on April 10, we discussed how an organisation's decision-making processes predict its capacity for innovation. We learned that organisational creativity and innovation tend to thrive in environments with devolved and consensual decision-making, while concentrating decision authority at the top of the hierarchy tends to kill initiative and innovation.


As ye decide, So shall ye innovate (Part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 11/04/2013

» Here's a question for you: What organisation do you think is more likely to be a creative organisation: One where most decisions are made by a few individuals high at the top of the organisational hierarchy? Or one where decision-making is spread throughout the hierarchy, and decision authority is delegated and shared?


Avoiding innovation traps (Part 2)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 28/03/2013

» Two weeks ago, this column discussed five of the 10 most common thinking traps that people encounter while innovating. These traps include common cognitive biases (making systematic errors in judgement, knowledge, and reasoning), information-processing shortcuts, and non-compliance with best practices in systematic thinking. For good results, you must avoid these traps while working on an innovation project. Here are five more traps that await you when developing and evaluating ideas, and when acting on those ideas.


Avoiding innovation traps (PART 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 14/03/2013

» Let's face it: thinking is hard, tiring and time-consuming. Most people like to work on things that are easy, effortless and fast. It's no wonder that when working on an innovation project, teams tend to take shortcuts, make snap judgements based on their preconceptions and follow loose procedures. Sadly, such sloppy, biased and undisciplined thinking leads to poor results.


Understanding the inner workings of your mind

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 28/02/2013

» The word "innovation" starts with an "I". So do many related words for processes and concepts in our creative minds that are necessary before an innovation can be created and released into the market. Let's look at the interplay of these cognitive concepts related to the inner workings of the creative mind.