Search Result for “hotel room”

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Farewell to two fine former colleagues

Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/12/2023

» Far too many of my former Bangkok Post colleagues have passed away this year and this week things got even worse with two more old pals gone.


The rubber tree and the hopeful ant

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/01/2023

» Throughout January PostScript has been written from my house balcony in Chaiyaphum while taking in a view of avenues of rubber trees with the occasional intrusion of stray chickens. In fact, I am surrounded by rubber trees.



The most dignified drummer in rock 'n roll

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/08/2021

» We sadly lost two legendary musicians last week with the passing of Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts (80) and singer Don Everly (84).



A country so different to anywhere else

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/08/2021

» The dramatic events in Afghanistan inevitably sparked memories of my own brief experiences of the country more than 50 years ago while on an overland trip from London to New Delhi and beyond.


Beware the TV bookshelf backdrop

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 14/02/2021

» Since the arrival of Covid we have been accustomed to watching television programmes with pundits, politicians and celebrities interviewed in their homes, invariably with bookcases being the backdrop of choice.


A good time to chill out and be cool

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/11/2020

» It was a strange week even by US President Donald Trump's standards. It began with him pardoning turkeys and ended in pardoning former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Who is next in line for a pardon one wonders?


Mullumbimby's 'Russians' in good voice

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/06/2020

» A rare piece of cheerful news comes from the unlikely locale of Mullumbimby, a small Australian town in New South Wales where 28 middle-aged bearded Aussies have formed a choir, singing only traditional Russian folk and marching songs. They call themselves "Dustyesky", dress as Russian workers in cloth caps and cheekily refer to their town as Mullumgrad. Calling themselves a "fake genuine Russian choir", their stirring rendition of the Song of the Volga Boatmen is something to behold.


Anthem angst and hits the singers hate

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/12/2019

» Rod Stewart is currently on tour in the UK belting out all his old songs, including Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?, which is admittedly pushing it a bit for someone the age of 74. The old rocker has confessed in the past that he dislikes singing that number, but the fans always demand it. This appears to be an occupational hazard among singing stars.


Fifty fascinating years in Wonderland

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 14/04/2019

» Having first arrived in Thailand a few days before Songkran, each year the festival approaches it sparks memories of those early days in the Kingdom. This year is slightly more significant because earlier this week marked my 50th year in Thailand, or to put it another way, roughly 18,250 days. That sounds decidedly scary. The frightening thing is that I can remember those early days better than the events of last week. The immature youth is now an immature wrinkly.



Breaking news: Pattaya to be 'livable'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/06/2018

» Most encouraging news of the week came on Wednesday when authorities announced a crackdown on crime in Pattaya which will finally make the city "livable". The somewhat quaintly named "Operation rooting out crime for a livable city" is admittedly a bit of a mouthful and we can only wish the boys in brown the best of luck. I mean, where do they start?