Search Result for “hotel”

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Serving two worlds

Asia focus, Published on 23/03/2020

» Doanh Chau has a big plan for Vietnam, the country where he began his life, even though he has not lived there for decades.



Culinary crash course

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 20/12/2019

» I remember back when no kids would say they wanted to grow up and become a chef. Fast forward to the present day when becoming a chef has become a career of choice (with a side of celebrity) for many. Whether you aspire to be an Iron Chef, Masterchef, Top Chef, executive chef of a five-star hotel, chef-patron of a Michelin-starred restaurant (or just a better home cook), you can kick-start your culinary journey at Dusit Thani College.



Let's Celebrate Social Media Day

Guru, Pasavat Tanskul, Published on 28/06/2019

» Fun fact: June 30 is Social Media Day. Yes, it's a thing. The day celebrates social media's use as an effective global communication platform. To honour the occasion, we gathered a few factoids, tidbits and stories relating to social media to see how much it has connected and consumed our lives.



Most-searched Thai destinations

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 20/12/2018

» Khao Kho is listed as the No.1-searched destination in Thailand, according to the Google Year In Search 2018.


Taking the long view

Life, Sawarin Suwichakornpong, Published on 19/10/2017

» In Greek mythology, Mnemosyne is the goddess of memory. Impregnated by Zeus, she gave birth to the nine muses with whom artists, poets, musicians, writers and historians are familiar. As a daughter of Uranus, Mnemosyne is also a goddess of time; she provides the role of rote memorisation and invents language and words where her daughters, the muses, pick up and render them. She is a goddess that makes memory alive and is often acquainted with vivid remembrance.



Social media a key to reaching Myanmar consumers

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 24/07/2017

» As social media gains popularity in Myanmar, more foreign companies are using it to reach consumers who go online for product information. However, marketing to Myanmar's growing consumer class has room for improvement.



No, really, Big Brother is watching

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 25/06/2017

» The Big Three of International Computing have convinced tens of millions of customers to spy on themselves. Considering this, what's the big deal when the government listens in too -- well, apart from the going-to-jail part -- at least?



Fashion on the go

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 08/06/2017

» Business-savvy Michel Adam's enthusiasm for diversification and competitiveness have led cable channel FashionTV -- which he owns and has managed since 1997 -- to becoming a much-talked-about global player.