Search Result for “home territory”

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Musk warns of Twitter bankruptcy if cash burn continues

Bloomberg News, Published on 11/11/2022

» NEW YORK: Elon Musk, in his first address to Twitter employees since purchasing the company for $44 billion, said that bankruptcy was a possibility if it does not start generating more cash, according to people familiar with the matter.



Beauty in brutality

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 26/06/2020

» The Last of Us was a groundbreaking game that took players through an emotional story with nail-biting tension due to trying to sneak around undetected and also having a number of good scares provided by the zombie-like creatures known simply as the Infected. In fact, the game was so good that Neil Druckmann, the game's director, ­admitted that he was wary of making a sequel. Obviously, they figured out a way to continue the story and make another game that would hopefully satisfy players worldwide. But does it?



Got those work from home blues

Life, James Hein, Published on 20/05/2020

» Working from home is fine if everything is working. I use a two-monitor set-up with one for work and the other for home use. The work monitor reverts back to home use when the end of the day comes. Both monitors run off a Display Port connection from each of the graphics cards. Last week, one of the monitors decided to stop working. At first, I was thinking of a quick way to get a new monitor but after a bit of reflection, I plugged the non-working one into an HDMI port on my home computer and it worked just fine. Thinking it was the cable, I ordered a new one but when it arrived, the monitor still didn't work with the Display Port so it was obvious that port had stopped working.


EU copyright overhaul sparks cultural 'apocalypse' warnings

AFP, Published on 09/09/2016

» BRUSSELS - Is the EU, with Brexit and migration already in its cross-hairs, about to launch war on Europe's digital start-ups and entertainers?


Windows 10 sales decline

Life, James Hein, Published on 23/03/2016

» Microsoft's Windows 10 was always going to be somewhat of a "Hail Mary" as far as PC sales were concerned. In recent analysis from IDC both PC and notebook sales are expected to be lower this year but only at around the -0.5% mark. If governments and organisations suddenly decide to all upgrade to Windows 10 then this could move into positive territory but we will need to see what happens this year against predictions. The free upgrades didn't help hardware sales either with the obvious result that replacements are deferred. Smartphones and tablets continue to be blamed for poor sales but the general global economy is a better source to assign cause and in reality PCs and notebooks are still the staple of business users in offices.


Windows 10 seems a success story

Life, James Hein, Published on 04/11/2015

» It has been a while now and the feedback on Windows 10 has generally been positive. I know a few people that have taken advantage of the free upgrade offer and with few exceptions they have been satisfied with the results, including those that have been critical of versions 8.x. As I have mentioned previously, getting a replacement Start menu is helpful. Another thing to do before upgrading is to check that there are Windows 10 device drivers for all of your hardware. This may require a visit to the websites of the manufacturer of your peripherals especially for printers, scanners and music interface devices. If they don't have them then you may have a problem.


US demands Hotmail overseas data

AFP, Published on 12/06/2014

» WASHINGTON - Microsoft is challenging a US court order that would require it to hand over data from an overseas server in a test of the reach of American law enforcement.


Learn from Google, Airbus chief warns aerospace industry

AFP, Published on 09/06/2014

» The aerospace industry must embrace competition from technology companies such as Google and SpaceX which are already having a revolutionary impact on the sector, the head of the Airbus Group told AFP in an interview.


Xiaomi leads low-cost smartphone drive

AFP, Published on 11/05/2014

» Xiaomi may be little known outside China, but the fast-growing smartphone maker is at the forefront of a new wave of Asian brands challenging the dominance of Apple and Samsung with high-spec, low-price phones.


Nepalese pioneer inducted into 'Internet Hall of Fame'

AFP, Published on 08/04/2014

» A Nepalese educator who transformed the way of life in more than 150 remote Himalayan villages by connecting them to the Internet was Tuesday inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame.