Search Result for “guaranteed”

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It's a jungle out there for park officials

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 01/12/2014

» Thap Lan National Park is a perfect "poster child" for the policy of the government and the National Council for Peace and Order to end land encroachment.



Karun should foot bill for fight to replace him

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 13/05/2013

» The flying-kick man deserved to be floored by the Supreme Court. But Karun Hongsakul's patch is still a difficult one for the Democrats to crack, even as the man himself is forced to watch the by-election for his old seat in Don Muang from the sidelines.



Rural health services face real threat

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 18/03/2013

» A sickness is pervading the Public Health Ministry. However, it is not exactly in a coma and there are signs indicating a recovery. But the extent of the malaise was underlined last Wednesday.



Bureaucrats can be ever so charitable

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 11/02/2013

» Critics of Thai red tape know by now that they should stop being pessimistic. The Corrections Department has proved that they are wrong and that this country is not plagued by an inept bureaucracy.



Hard to keep promises

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 13/08/2012

» Name: Nattawut Saikuar



Home: It's so close, and yet so far away

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 02/04/2012

» When Michael Buble, Alan Chang and Amy Foster-Gillies co-wrote Home (of which the lyrics above are rewritten to give a local flavour), there was no way they could have known it would echo so resoundingly with Thaksin Shinawatra. The tune was a breakthrough hit for Canadian singer Buble in 2005, one year before Thaksin was bumped from office by the coup.



Transport Co is taking the wrong route

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 16/01/2012

» The Transport Co chief apparently has many problems to sort out. The state enterprise firm is trying to crack down on illegal vans running inter-provincial services. According to its own estimation, about 6,000 vehicles provide such services despite having no licence or approval from Transport Co, the agency responsible for inter-city routes. Thus far, it has successfully forced many of them to operate under its control, but more are still on the roads. Transport Co and the Land Transport Department stand to lose money from those illegal passenger vans as they do not have to pay route concessions and fees to the agency. It is unacceptable to allow these illegal vans to compete for passengers with the ones legally approved by the agency.