Search Result for “growth market”

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Why Xi won't cave to Trump at G-20 meet

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 30/11/2018

» Hopes are already fading that China's President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Donald Trump will achieve a breakthrough in their trade war during this weekend's Group of 20 summit in Argentina. Even Mr Trump poured cold water on the idea, saying only days before the conference that it was "highly unlikely" he'd hold off on a planned boost to tariffs.



US-China rift is an awfully messy affair

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 13/08/2018

» A financial adviser I know, Frank Astorino, says nothing destroys wealth like divorce. That's a warning China and the US should keep in mind as they intensify their trade war.


It's time to give China a taste of its own bad medicine

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 29/06/2018

» One of my mottos is: Don't criticise something unless you have a better idea. I've decried President Donald Trump's tariff tactics, so it's only fair I offer my own strategy for fighting a trade war with China -- one with a bigger chance of success and smaller downside risk.



US cannot win a trade war by itself

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 22/03/2018

» As US President Donald Trump prepares a wide-ranging package of tariffs and investment restrictions targeted at China, a trade war between the world's two most important economies looks unavoidable. On the face of it, the US might seem to have the leverage it needs to win. Since it runs a huge trade deficit with China, the Chinese have a lot more to lose.



South Korea has some lessons Trump should heed

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 13/09/2017

» Advisers seem to have convinced US President Donald Trump not to trash the country's free-trade agreement with South Korea -- for now. Mr Trump himself still seems intent on extracting concessions from the Koreans and could yet withdraw from the deal. The irony is that, more than any other, South Korea's own story shows how foolish that would be.


South Korea's next leader must focus on growth

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 10/05/2017

» So much attention is being lavished on the nuclear-edged tantrums of Kim Jong-un in North Korea that the presidential election on the southern half of the Korean peninsula has gone practically unnoticed. But the outcome may be nearly as critical for the region's future as the fate of Mr Kim's weapons programme.



Zombie firms threaten Asia's future

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 04/04/2017

» Any horror aficionado knows that the only good zombie is a dead zombie. Don't risk trying to bring one back to life. It'll just come back to bite you.



Asia's strongmen not strong enough

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 21/02/2017

» Across Asia, the world has supposedly been witnessing the return of the strongman. Chinese President Xi Jinping has been grasping more and more control in his own hands since claiming power in 2012. Two years later, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India and President Joko Widodo (known as "Jokowi") in Indonesia won office by selling themselves as forceful economic and political reformers. All three were heralded as the firm hands these giant developing nations needed to rejuvenate their promising but troubled economies.



Protests point to more than scandal

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 02/12/2016

» The first big story I covered as a young correspondent in South Korea was a corruption scandal. Two former presidents were found guilty of, among other things, amassing fortunes with payoffs from the country's major business groups, called chaebol. That was 1996.



Confucius' guide to foreign trade

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 12/08/2016

» Confucius was once asked if there was a single word that could act as a guide throughout one's life. "Reciprocity", the sage responded. He then preached a form of the Golden Rule: "What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others."