Search Result for “good”

Showing 111 - 120 of 168


AR and VR: The new productivity tools beyond gaming and marketing

Business, Published on 01/05/2017

» All of the excitement around virtual reality and augmented reality (VR and AR) these days is spurring consumer marketing teams into action to ride the wave of this "next big thing". Virtual reality works by placing high-resolution screens over the user's eyes, occluding their view of their real-world surroundings. The nature of VR necessitates that the experience takes place in a safe, predefined area. To create greater immersion, many VR headsets also support audio. VR is not a mobile technology in the conventional sense: you can't put on a VR headset and walk down the street.



Digital control freaks

News, Postbag, Published on 16/12/2016

» Using the single gateway to deal with lese majeste is akin to using a shotgun to kill a fly, and will put Thailand behind the rest of the world.



Bad sign from climate change sceptic Trump

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 25/11/2016

» So Donald Trump, the soon-to-be American president, is backtracking on his position about climate change.



Why America should be optimistic about Trump

News, Published on 21/11/2016

» I'm a Donald Trump optimist. Like the many who don't support him, I am alarmed that he won. But I don't believe he will be as bad as the worst fears. It's a very modest definition of optimism, but I think it's the best liberals can come up with.



The unlikely evolution of a Disney star

Muse, Published on 22/10/2016

» At the Metrograph theatre on the Lower East Side of New York, Rowan Blanchard wore a knit pleated skirt overlaid by a pleated sleeveless tunic and chunky platform gold glitter shoes, all made and provided by the fashion house Kenzo. Holding a bag of salty popcorn and another bag of Swedish fish, she sat in one of the first few rows, just as a screening of a film she appeared in was about to begin.



A great British palaver

Life, Published on 21/10/2016

» In a big white tent nestled in the green fields of the English countryside, six bakers were putting their signature spin on dinner rolls.



Leaks aren't always good for politics or journalism

News, Published on 19/10/2016

» Editor's note: This column contains language that some readers may find offensive Both journalism and politics now live in the leak culture, and both professions will be forever changed by it. Both have always benefited from leaks of some kind, from the officially authorised to the criminally filched. But today's ability to download and disseminate vast banks of information constitutes a new chapter in journalistic and political practice. Wikileaks has put US diplomatic cables in the public domain, followed by the much riskier leaking of sensitive files from the National Security Agency and that followed by the leaking of the Panama Papers, which showed how the rich secretly contrive to get richer.



Tana French's ingenious new murder mystery

Life, Published on 14/10/2016

» Tana French, the superb Irish novelist who happens to write avidly about crime, used to link her books by having a minor character in one become the beleaguered protagonist of the next. Since the books all involved the Dublin Murder Squad, the beleaguered part came easily. But in her sixth novel, The Trespasser, she breaks that pattern to reunite the same pair of detectives who waded through The Secret Place, her fifth. That one took place at a swanky private school, a grating milieu where the girls' teen language ("Um, duh?") wasn't easy for the detectives, Antoinette Conway and Stephen Moran, to take.



Denzel Washington rides high in The Magnificent Seven

Life, Published on 14/10/2016

» Denzel Washington looks just right high in the saddle, which makes sense given that he's become our John Wayne -- our point-and-shoot saviour. It's a funny business being a hero these days, and Washington has the resume to prove it, with characters -- a corrupt cop, a drug kingpin -- that would have been unthinkable for Wayne, who saved the day when the lines between right and wrong were more rigidly defined. Those lines have blurred, of course, and good guys went sort of bad and sometimes very bad, partly because we like it like that. (It feels so good.)



Director Ang Lee is pushing the tech boundary

Life, Published on 14/10/2016

» In the action movies that Ang Lee grew up watching in Taiwan, it was perfectly commonplace and yet still thrilling to see rivals take to the air and fly at each other as they faced off in combat.