Search Result for “genetic code”

Showing 81 - 90 of 106


GM mosquitoes open up new front in war on malaria

AFP, Published on 11/06/2014

» Biologists said Tuesday they had devised a new weapon against malaria by genetically engineering mosquitoes which produce mostly male offspring, eventually leading to a population wipe-out.


Scientists create 'designer' chromosome

AFP, Published on 28/03/2014

» Scientists have created the first man-made chromosome for a complex-celled organism -- a feat hailed Friday as a big step towards acquiring the controversial ability to redesign plants or animals.


Stem cell scientist calls for retraction of study

AFP, Published on 11/03/2014

» A co-author of a Japanese study that promised a revolutionary way to create stem cells has called for the headline-grabbing research to be retracted over claims its data was faulty.


New simple way to reset cells could be transplant "game changer"

AFP, Published on 29/01/2014

» Scientists Wednesday reported a simple way to turn animal cells back to a youthful, neutral state, a feat hailed as a "game-changer" in the quest to grow transplant tissue in the lab.


A world without antibiotics? The risk is real: experts

AFP, Published on 19/01/2014

» Humans face the very real risk of a future without antibiotics, a world of plummeting life expectancy where people die from diseases easily treatable today, scientists say.


Bangladesh study links rice, arsenic

AFP, Published on 19/11/2013

» An unprecedented probe into high levels of arsenic in Bangladesh's groundwater strengthens suspicions that eating rice boosts exposure to the poison, scientists said on Monday.


Polio outbreak in Syria confirmed by UN

AFP, Published on 29/10/2013

» The UN health agency on Tuesday confirmed an outbreak of polio in war-torn Syria, which had been free of the crippling disease since 1999, and said it feared it would spread.


A new form of capitalism is on the way

News, Published on 08/10/2013

» A "new" capitalism is emerging around us. The "old" capitalism of laissez faire is dying away.


Huge viruses may be new life form

AFP, Published on 19/07/2013

» Two newly discovered viruses are twice as large as the previous record-holders and may represent a completely new life form, French scientists reported in the US journal Science.


Kitchen drawers, nano-capsules scoop invention awards

AFP, Published on 28/05/2013

» The inventors of products ranging from kitchen drawers that close silently to hi-tech cancer-killing nano capsules were among those honoured at the European Inventor Awards on Tuesday.