Search Result for “genetic code”

Showing 61 - 70 of 106


Enzyme that affects ageing, cancer decoded: study

AFP, Published on 26/04/2018

» PARIS - Elated scientists announced Wednesday the completion of a 20-year quest to map the complex enzyme thought to forestall ageing by repairing the tips of chromosomes in plants and animals, including humans.



Cutting-edge collaboration

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 29/05/2017

» Imagine a world without rare genetic diseases, where parents do not have to decide the fate of an unborn child with an anomaly in its DNA code. Imagine being able to replace damaged organs with cells that can be engineered into any type of missing body part.



Battle rages for the Mekong

News, Nantiya Tangwisutijit, Published on 04/02/2017

» Pecking free of its shell, a River Lapwing chick stretches its legs. It has no idea it's hiding in plain sight. The soft hue of its feathers, a mosaic of shades mirroring the Mekong River's gravel beneath its feet, provides perfect camouflage as it readies to dutifully follow its parents mere moments after taking its first breath.



Smoking damages your DNA permanently

Jon Fernquest, Published on 04/11/2016

» Smoking pack of cigarettes a day causes average of 150 DNA mutations a year creating high risk of cancer & death.


New fossils show life on Earth at least 3.7bn years old

AFP, Published on 01/09/2016

» SYDNEY - Life on Earth is even older than we thought, said Australian scientists on Thursday as they unveiled fossils dating back a staggering 3.7 billion years.


New front opens in war on superbugs: experts

AFP, Published on 11/04/2016

» AMSTERDAM - A newly-discovered antibiotic-resistant gene is threatening to open a new front in the war against superbugs by rendering a last-resort drug impotent, experts warn.


Technicolor stores Hollywood history in a bottle

AFP, Published on 05/04/2016

» LOS ANGELES - A Technicolor scientist surrounded by the latest virtual reality technology inspects a vial containing a few droplets of water -- and one million copies of an old movie encoded into DNA.



Breaking the cycle

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 29/03/2016

» An illegal abortion facility was uncovered by police in Sakon Nakhon earlier this year. Syringes, needles, gloves and vinegar were found inside the seemingly abandoned house, which opens for service only upon request.


Microsoft to port to Linux

Life, James Hein, Published on 16/03/2016

» As covered in an earlier article Microsoft is not porting Android but they are porting to Linux. According to a recent announcement Microsoft's SQL Server 2016 will be available for Linux users to use by the middle of 2017. The Microsoft marketing perspective is that the Linux version will "enable SQL Server to deliver a consistent data platform across Windows Server and Linux, as well as on-premises and cloud" in addition to providing customers "even more flexibility in their data solution".