Search Result for “future”

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Even writers need to think before tweeting

Life, James Hein, Published on 16/08/2017

» Without the internet, there would only ever be part of a story. Consider the recent example of Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling. She watched an edited video and then took to the internet using her fame to decry the treatment of a small child by a prominent leader. Her concerns were quickly and widely spread but the unedited footage showed the opposite. Even the mother of the child finally got involved and asked the internet to please tell J.K. Rowling that she was wrong. At the time of writing Rowling had apologised to the mother but not the leader she smeared. In the current fast pace and instant Twitter-response world it is important to take a step back and do some personal investigation before reacting, often incorrectly, to a flash tweet or news story. If you see a clip try and find the full or unedited version, that extra time can save you from future embarrassment, though some personalities seem to be immune to it.


Foreign Direct Investment: Charting the future

Jon Fernquest, Published on 02/02/2012

» Years of political conflict and recent floods may be cause of reduced foreign investment in Thai economy. Electronics at 25% is important sector to watch.


Floods: Losses to Thailand's economy?

Jon Fernquest, Published on 04/11/2011

» Ongoing threats with damage still preventable far greater than damage already done in this survey of flood economic impact by economists at TMB Bank.


Floods: Hard drives jump in price

Jon Fernquest, Published on 27/10/2011

» With 25% of global hard drive production in Thailand, a global shortage & 20% price hikes for many months projected.


Flood damage: Quick repair

Jon Fernquest, Published on 25/10/2011

» Goal of 45 days for reopening factories & saving jobs of 400,000 workers in 1,300 factories once flood waters go down.


Hard-disk drive industry hit

Jon Fernquest, Published on 17/10/2011

» After floods inundate hard-disk drive factories, producers may move to other countries to avoid a global supply shortage.


Japan investor post-flood wish list

Jon Fernquest, Published on 14/10/2011

» Japanese business suggestions for improvement include more accurate information. Floods biggest disruption in manufacturing ever.


Drop in Japan trade

Jon Fernquest, Published on 25/03/2011

» Thailand as "the major manufacturing base for Japanese companies" relies on parts from Japan that face delays after the earthquake.


Rise of tablet computers

Jon Fernquest, Published on 14/01/2011

» With a larger screen than a mobile phone and lighter than a notebook, tablet computers are the fastest selling new gadget nowadays.