Search Result for “fully grown”

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City residents feel the heat of slashed trees

News, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 11/05/2019

» One of the pictures that netizens shared the most from last week's coronation was an image of a well-wisher offering a tiny, handheld fan to a nearby military officer in full costume as they waited for the royal motorcade under the scorching sun.


Work together for a greener capital

News, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 12/04/2019

» When I learnt of City Hall's plan to grow one million trees in various districts of Bangkok, I could hardly believe my ears. It was hard to believe that the agency, which is known for its love-hate relationship with trees -- could change its attitude, especially if you look at the way city workers abuse trees by leaving them completely bare and without branches.



Pedestrians, keep calm and be mindful

News, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 29/11/2018

» Readers from most countries would probably have been shocked by the recent story of a teenage girl in Bangkok who was knocked down while walking along a footpath by a speeding motorcycle.



City Hall fails again in help      for disabled

News, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 23/03/2017

» I love my city. But I still wish to see its administrator, City Hall, improving things to make Bangkok more liveable and navigable for all, especially disabled people.