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China's cashless revolution is likely to spread afar

News, Adam Minter, Published on 20/07/2017

» On a recent trip to Shenzhen, in southern China, I came across a subway busker with two tip jars. The first was a cardboard box filled with coins and bills; the second was a small QR code taped to the box that allowed passersby to leave a tip by smartphone. On one level, this was simply smart business: Chinese made around $5.5 trillion in e-payment transactions last year. But it also offered a glimpse of the future.



KL has plenty of reasons to test Kim

News, Adam Minter, Published on 09/03/2017

» It didn't take long for Malaysia to retaliate against North Korea for barring its citizens from leaving the country on Tuesday. Within hours, a security cordon had surrounded North Korea's Malaysian embassy to prevent diplomatic staff from leaving. The response may not be legal under international law, but it's certainly understandable. North Korea is not only accused of sponsoring an assassination in Malaysia's busiest airport, using a banned nerve agent. It's since taunted and bullied Malaysian officials attempting to investigate the crime.