Search Result for “foreign visitors”

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Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 28/06/2013

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 05/04/2013

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


The road to nowhere

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 22/02/2013

» Since you all faithfully follow my life-changing columns each week, you probably know that it has been a while since I used this space to rant and rave about the horrendous driving habits in Thailand.


Saturday night spoof

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 08/02/2013

» It's almost that day of the month when it's perfectly acceptable - even encouraged - to spend money for the possibility of getting lucky. Yes, Valentine's Day is looming much to the delight of couples who need a special occasion to break out of their dry spell, while lonely single folk are probably honouring Feb 14 by throwing a "Happy Four Days After Chinese New Year" party.


Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 18/01/2013

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


Putting the "h" in "stupid"!

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 23/11/2012

» Just this week alone, President Barack Obama and Chinese premier Wen Jiabao visited Thailand, presumably because it's high season for travel in the superpower calendar. And who doesn't love it when important people come here? It gives us the chance to adorn them with garlands, giggle when they attempt to speak Thai (not to mention swoon when they wai), and most notably offer them a free tourism pitch for our most amazing country!


The many faces of being Thai

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 27/07/2012

» One of the most common questions I get asked - besides "How is it possible that you're so beautiful?" and "Can I have your phone number please?" - is this wonderfully annoying gem:


Whose line is it anyway?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 16/03/2012

» If you printed out every complaint made about immigration services at Suvarnabhumi, you'd probably have enough paper to cover the airport a hundred times over. Common traveller grievances include ridiculously long lines, inadequate staffing, and, god forbid, officers who don't smile in the Land of Smiles.