Search Result for “foreign visitors”

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Myanmar tourism industry determined to avoid traps

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 18/06/2012

» The Myanmar tourism industry heard more warnings at the Mekong Tourism Forum last week to beware the downside of the gold-rush.


Huai hong khrai centre gains prominence

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 07/05/2012

» The sufficiency economy concept gained further prominence on the global tourism development agenda last week with a visit to the Huai Hong Khrai Royal Development Centre being included on the technical-tour programme of a regional UN World Tourism Organisation conference .


'Shock absorber' in our backyards

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 30/04/2012

» If foreign tourism has been hit by repeated "external shocks" over the last decade, domestic tourism has become a "shock absorber" to help cushion the impact, according to a landmark study to be released this week.


As tourism booms, An Old 'Crisis may resurface

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 13/02/2012

» As Thailand's tourism industry gets set to soar again, a regional meeting on the global AIDS pandemic organised here last week has refocused attention on a rarely discussed subject: the extent to which Thailand's nightlife and entertainment industry contributes to the global spread of HIV/AIDS.


Statehood takes a back seat to bogeyman

News, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 22/01/2012

» Thailand's recognition of the right to an independent Palestine is a great step forward, but unfortunately it has been overshadowed by the arrest of an Arab man and the surrounding anti-Islam hysteria