Search Result for “food offerings”

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4 years after thrilling cave rescue, sleepy park readies for onslaught

Published on 27/09/2022

» CHIANG RAI: Four years ago, it was a muddy, chaotic and emotionally fraught scene outside the Tham Luang Cave, where thousands of people, from volunteers to parents to cave divers from around the world, had gathered with one goal: to rescue 12 boys and their football coach trapped deep inside.



Venice and the milk of dreams

Life, Apinan Poshyananda, Published on 15/08/2022

» Santa Maria Della Salute, also known as Saint Mary of Health, stands majestically at Punta Della Dogana by the Grand Canal in the city of Venice. In 1631, Venice experienced an unusually devastating plague when nearly a third of the population was wiped out. As a votive offering, the Republic of Venice vowed to build and dedicate a church to Our Lady of Health with objects of art that bore reference to the Black Death. In March 2022, after postponement due to Covid-19 that killed thousands in the city, the 59th Venice Biennale opened under the theme of "The Milk Of Dreams" and was welcomed like a warm delicious latte by the art world.



The Last Supper?

Life, Amitha Amranand, Published on 16/06/2022

» It's no surprise that as Covid restrictions are easing around the world, people are seeking new experiences to pluck themselves from mundanity, and to see, touch, smell and taste things in ways that awaken them. Why sit inside a theatre when you can walk around an art space or a neighbourhood while stories are spoken into your ears? Why only eat in cafes and restaurants when you can do that and watch a scene of a play unfold? Why dine in a restaurant when you can dine in an old airplane and participate in strange, semi-religious rituals?



Exploring different heritages

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 25/05/2022

» Thailand is a country with cultural diversity. The "Red Area And Black Spirit" art exhibition presents two cultures that reflect the differences between two woodcut artists -- Chayasit Orisoon and Warisara Apisampinwong. While Chayasit showcases Song or Tai Dam culture in his "Black Spirit" room, Warisara exhibits Chinese-Thai culture in her "Red Area". Both Chayasit and Warisara are colleagues who earned a master's in visual arts from Silpakorn University. Since their woodcut pieces involve culture, they decided to hold the exhibition together at the People's Gallery, Bangkok Art & Culture Centre.



Now showing

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 08/10/2021

» Cinemas are back! After another semi-lockdown that forced cinemas to close, we can finally enjoy a proper movie-going experience again. Sure, it might be capped at 50% capacity and you can only sit with one person beside you instead of the classic cinema experience of having your girlfriend on your left while a dude who munches popcorn loudly is on your right. Sigh, nostalgia! But we'll take what we can get for now. Though it's easy to simply go to the nearest mall to go to the cinema, we're spotlighting places that offer a different experience. These indie cinemas deserve as much love as any of the multiplexes do. After losing iconic places like Scala and Bangkok Screening Room, we should do what we can to keep these cinemas alive. Get the popcorn and settle in. It's time to go back to the movies.



Avengers to welcome Marvel fans at new campus

Business, Published on 04/06/2021

» ANAHEIM, California: Spider-Man will fly high above Disneyland Resort's new Avengers Campus in California when it starts welcoming the public on Friday, tumbling through the air as guests below meet Iron Man, Black Panther and other Marvel superheroes.



All the small things

Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 28/08/2020

» An object matters differently to different people. Some might see value, others might see none. Thai artists Watcharapong Khunart and Akaraphon Phiphatpokaphol interpret such a concept and present "Stuff Matters", an art exhibition now on view at Kalwit Studio and Gallery, to depict the existence of objects from different perspectives.



Party on the roof

Life, Published on 02/01/2020

» Epic Entertainment will kick off the new decade with "In The Sky", a rooftop party at the Spectrum Lounge and Bar of Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit on Sunday from 4pm to 1am.



I scream, You scream, We all scream

Life, Published on 29/10/2019

» It's only once a year that we get haunted by creepy ghosts at Halloween and the "Siren Ghosts Party" at Seacon Bangkae is one venue to make everyone scream at the top of their lungs and also have fun until Sunday.



Paint it black

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 07/07/2019

» In the age of social media and the hyper exposure that tends to come with it, keeping a low profile can be something of a Herculean task. And while most artists are trying to capitalise fully on the power of social media, there are also those who shy away from it and focus instead on what they’re meant to be doing: making music and performing. One such band is emerging British four-piece Black Midi who have managed to maintain a low-key online presence while steadily garnering a solid fan base through a series of live gigs.