Search Result for “food enthusiasts”

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Why won't states regulate artificial intelligence?

News, Published on 18/12/2023

» What happens when a globe-spanning corporation becomes so powerful that even nations have to answer to it? In the 18th century, the British East India Company (EIC) came close. Founded by royal charter to act as a trading arm of the British monarchy, the company grew into an imperial power in its own right.


Dark enough for you?

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 20/08/2018

» 'Dark tourism" is an interesting concept that did not come to my attention until I watched a Netflix series recently. Few countries actively promote offbeat or slightly dangerous pursuits but it's a niche with potential, if managed carefully -- even if it's hard to explain to your insurer.


Time to embrace the future

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 25/06/2018

» Last week was an extremely fruitful one for innovation and tech enthusiasts in Bangkok. The capital hosted the first SingularityU Thailand Summit, Techsauce Global and the blockchain-focused Block Club Meet Up. It was my privilege to attend all of them to see and hear and be inspired by the groundbreaking advances that are transforming everything around us.



Surviving the automation curve with future skills

News, Geoff Mulgan, Published on 30/11/2017

» Unless you've been living on Mars, you will be aware that the world is going through another bout of soul-searching about how robots could take our jobs. The concerns aren't new. But they are now newly urgent.



Admiring the night lights of Japan

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 21/07/2017

» International tourists, Thais included, visit and revisit Japan for many reasons, from cherry blossoms and autumn leaves to food and fruits to the culture and courteousness of the people. As if that's not enough, the country has added one more: yakei.


Unravelling the innovation enigma

News, Joseph Stiglitz, Published on 14/03/2014

» Around the world, there is enormous enthusiasm for the type of technological innovation symbolised by Silicon Valley. In this view, America’s ingenuity represents its true comparative advantage, which others strive to imitate. But there is a puzzle: It is difficult to detect the benefits of this innovation in GDP statistics.


Gur u asks

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 24/01/2014

» Why did the Colorado Transportation Department put up a marker for mile 419.99 at one of its interstates?


Placing commerce before culture

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 16/04/2012

» The centenary of the Titanic disaster has become a mega event around the world, with documentaries, articles and exhibitions galore to remind us of the tale of the magnificent ship that struck an iceberg and sunk to the bottom of the ocean on its maiden voyage.