Search Result for “flight”

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Sleeping on the job at 36,000 feet

Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/03/2024

» There was a rather bizarre story which emerged recently of an Indonesian domestic flight on which for half an hour both pilots were fast asleep at the same time.



Doubtful delights of standing in line

Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/03/2024

» It is encouraging to learn that the Prime Minister is concerned about large queues at Suvarnabhumi airport, particularly at the arrivals area. We've all probably experienced that sinking feeling after stepping off the moving walkway and being faced by a definitely non-moving formidable queue. It is especially grim if you've just suffered an exhausting long-distance flight and are already feeling knackered.


It is what it is … whatever it might be

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/05/2022

» An expression which is increasingly heard these days on television and in political comment is the rather cryptic "it is what it is". Not exactly an illuminating observation, and it prompts the question, "But, what is it?" Apparently it means a certain situation that cannot be changed however much you want and carries an element of resignation.


Thailand becoming even more amazing

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 14/11/2021

» With the kingdom opening up again the Tourist Authority of Thailand have announced that they are primarily interested in "quality tourists". What exactly constitutes a quality tourist is not entirely clear, but one suspects it's a polite way of saying anyone with lots of money. No riff-raff or hoi polloi please.


New passport, pity about the mug shot

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/04/2021

» A fortnight ago I picked up my new British passport. It was pleasing to see it had gone back to the traditional black colour and a similar size to the burgundy EU passports Brits have experienced for three decades. Alas, I probably won't be using it very much.


A chimp that became a space pioneer

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 31/01/2021

» Today marks the 60th anniversary of the first chimpanzee in space. Not a lot of people know that.


Just another case of terminal madness

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 16/08/2020

» Last weekend there was bit of a scene at Don Mueang airport when a passenger, after being told he was too late to board a domestic flight, decided the best response was to pick up the AirAsia computer laptop and smash it on the floor. Not a good idea.


Well, it's only a slogan after all

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/05/2020

» The Tourism Authority of Thailand has decreed that the "Amazing Thailand" slogan will need rebranding once the coronavirus situation is sorted out. So from October, we will be treated to "Amazing Trusted Thailand", emphasising safety and aimed at "high-end" tourists. Well-intentioned as it may be, this new slogan doesn't exactly roll off the tongue and the middle word may prompt a few wry smiles.


The sorry plight of the bumblebee

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/03/2020

» A welcome distraction from the Coronavirus crisis came this week from a most unlikely source. Over the wall at the back of my Bangkok abode there is a drainage ditch which also hosts a couple of trees providing welcome shade for the rear of the house. On Thursday my wife summoned me to the back of the house. She pointed at one of the trees in animated fashion -- all I could see was leaves.


The Early Bird has made his last flight

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 08/03/2020

» Over the years there have been many talented foreigners who made Thailand their home. One such person was Australian Jim Davison who pioneered English language radio broadcasting after arriving in 1966 and continued for five decades. I am sad to report Davison passed away in Australia recently at the grand age of 104.