Search Result for “firefox”

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Activists threaten full-scale 'cyber war' on government

News, Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Published on 18/10/2015

» Cyber activists last week announced a full-fledged "cyber war" against the government for its refusal to respond to their demands to formally scrap the controversial single gateway proposal.


Reverting to classic Windows

Life, James Hein, Published on 02/09/2015

» By now a number of readers will have applied the Windows 10 upgrade to their machines. Based on the feedback the first thing you should consider doing is going to and downloading the latest version of the free software Classic Shell. I have put this on a number of Windows 8.x machines over the past couple of years without any issues. This utility gives Windows 8 and 10 users back the classic Start menu and associated items. As of writing the latest version is 4.2.4 and I recommend it for all long-term Windows users.


Making Microsoft your personal assistant

Life, James Hein, Published on 19/08/2015

» Last week we looked at some of the new features of Windows 10. You may have noticed I referred to Cortana. If you cast your mind back to Clippy the paperclip that would give advice and Siri the iPhone application that you can ask questions of, then along similar lines Cortana is a digital personal assistant that first appeared on Microsoft phones and now on your new desktop.



Flexible iOS devices and a mix of speculation

Life, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 05/08/2015

» This week, my friends have been trying out their new iPad mini devices. Neither of them has totally switched to the newer models, partly because of content. In one case, it is due to the downloaded music videos on the older iPad mini. The other friend has been exploring the ability to draw, having found Pencil by Fifty-Three: the stylus I examined in February this year.



What's new in business news: August 3, 2015

Jon Fernquest, Published on 02/08/2015

» PM Prayut orders measures to protect farmers with soaring debt, 14 million upgrade to Windows 10 on first day with free upgrade & new stock market rule to protect small investors drives away some big investors.


Windows 10 entices millions in first day

AFP, Published on 31/07/2015

» WASHINGTON - Some 14 million people installed the Windows 10 operating system in the first 24 hours following its release, Microsoft said, calling the response "overwhelmingly positive."


Microsoft rolls out Windows 10 bid to revive growth

AFP, Published on 29/07/2015

» WASHINGTON - Microsoft began rolling out its Windows 10 operating system Wednesday, aiming to revive the tech giant's fortunes, especially in mobile and the "Internet of Things."


When free Wi-Fi isn't really free

Life, James Hein, Published on 15/07/2015

» I've been doing some travelling recently and I've been taking some notice of the availability of Wi-Fi in international airports. Arriving in Singapore for example I was expecting free Wi-Fi at the airport but while it claimed to be it wasn't. To gain access you have to login, enter your mobile phone number and feed in the returning information from the SMS. Depending on your mobile roaming charges, and if you have roaming turned on at all, this can be somewhat costly for allegedly free Wi-Fi. Arriving at Jakarta airport the free Wi-Fi was both free and did not require any of these hoops to be navigated before accessing. Bottom line: Wi-Fi in Jakarta was much easier to use than in Singapore, which might sound counter-intuitive but based on my experience at least is true. In the age of voice over the internet the whole concept of huge phone and data charges is just plain wrong anyway. On the positive side for Singapore, buying an inexpensive voice and data plan for a couple of weeks was very reasonably priced. Also on the return journey I found that you can get a password in Singapore using a computer terminal, so access if you're not in a hurry.



Ordering a new Mac mini for my office

Life, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 29/04/2015

» Last weekend, a local user pointed me to a report on the Ars Technica site about the latest Flash Zero Day exploit, one of several already this year. Dan Goodin writes that although Windows users running Flash in Firefox or Internet Explorer are mainly at risk, the CVE-2015-0313 security bug is present in Flash for Macs and Linux.



China blasts Google security move as 'unacceptable'

AFP, Published on 02/04/2015

» BEIJING - A Chinese cyberspace bureau on Thursday denounced Google for deciding not to recognise the agency's authority after a Beijing-linked security breach, calling the US Internet giant's action "unacceptable and unintelligible".